The plan

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I added more stuff to the first page, if you would like to be caught up for this second part.

*15 minutes later* You and Tracer take the elevator straight up to the roof, to meet up with Mercy, McCree and Winston. Get up to the top and Mercy is the first to greet you. "Hello Y/N it's good to see you again." "Good to see you to Dr Mercy and nice to meet you Mr McCree." "Please call me Angela." She says with smile on her face. "Unless of course we are on a mission then calll me Mercy." "Of course Angela." "Hm that's better." McCree reaches his hand out to shake yours. "It's nice to meet you rookie, you can call me Jesse." "I dont want to hear none of that Mr or Sir shit." "Understand?" "I understand Sir." "I mean Jesse." "Good, now let's get going!" "Winston is already on the ship waiting for us." Your a bit nervous around McCree because you know he use to be in the Deadlock gang and you sure as hell dont want him to see that tattoo. You get on the ship and take off. Winston is the one flying. McCree is in the back of the ship with you, Mercy and Tracer. Going over the game plan. "Alright listen up cause I'm only going to say this once." "As you all know I got a call last night around 3AM, from the police station, on Route 66." "Apparently the sheriff and 5 of his deputies went to talk to Ashe about making peace." "Well Ashe says she and her crew wont harm any innocent people if they pay them not to." "Wow shes a bitch." Tracer says pissed. "Watch your language!" Mercy says in a motherly voice. You and McCree try to keep from laughing. "Anyways one of the deputies got angered by her proposal and shot Ashe right in the shoulder." "Of course Ashe acted quickly." "What do you mean act quickly?" "She put a bullet in the deputy head." "Oh shit!" Mercy slips up and immediately covers her mouth. You all start laugihng, even Winston heard Mercy and started laughing. "That's enough all of you!" Mercy says again in her motherly voice. The ship got quiet really fast. "Now what you were saying Jesse?" "Uh oh right yes thank you Mom uh uh I mean Angela." Mercy nods her head. "So um after Ashe killed one of the deputies the rest of the gang started open firing on the sheriff and the 4 remaining deputies." "The sheriff and the deputies started falling back, cause they were out numbered 5 to 12." All 5 of them made it back, to the station, alive." "One of the deputies did get shot in the leg by Bob, Ashes omnic butler, but he can still fight." "Of course after this all happens they give me a call." "Jesse were about 5 minutes away from reaching the police station!" Winston yells from the front of the ship. "Alright thanks Winston!" McCree yells back. "So here is the plan Me and Winston will be inside the police station." "Tracer head up to the roof of the station to keep an eye out but also for a surprise attack on the gang." "You got it Jesse!" "Mercy I need you to come in the station with us to check out the deputy leg and after that head to the roof with Tracer." "Understood." "And rookie I know a spot for you to snipe from on a ledge of the cliff." "It's a perfect view over the town and you can see the front and both sides of the police station." "Sounds good to me." "We are about to land!" Winston yell again from the front. "I hear you!" McCree yells back. "Alright ladies and gentlemen once we land get into position as fast as you can." "They could be here any minute." Mercy rubs her hand against Jesses face as she walks towards the exit and says. "I hear you Pumpkin." McCree blushes. "Well now Mercy." Tracer and you are behind McCree giggling.

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