Drinks on me

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"Thats it look into my eyes." You drop your revolver. "You seem so fascinated with my eyes, the last we met." "Why is that?" You stay silent. "Dont play this quiet game with me anymore." "You get more lost into her eyes. You mumble. "Lena." And you try to reach for your phone. Ashe knew what you were up to and quickly grabs your hand. "Ssshh, no Overwatch buddies coming to get you out of this one Gunman." "Its just you and my eyes. You try moving your other hand but Ashe grabs that one to. "No need to struggle Gunman, its all ok I promise, I'm not here to hurt you." "Just tell me what is about my eyes that weaken you. "Are they scary?" "You dont like the fact they are red?" "No that's not it at all." Then what is then?" "Its just they are beautiful just about hypnotizing." Ashe is shocked. "Beautiful?" "I've never heard someone call my eyes beautiful." Scary, demonic or just ugly, but never beautiful and or hypnotic." "You break out of her trance when she looks away." You knew what happened but you couldn't control what you were saying she was the first person to ever break you."Look um can I buy you a drink?" She looks up at you with a smile. "Sure why not and maybe after we can go back to my place." You smile as well. "Maybe."

Rookie and the Robber (Ashe X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now