Bar Fight Gets Extra Heated

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You pick up your gun. Then start walking with Ashe. Your mind is confused to how all that happened. Ashe is confused to why someone find her eyes attractive. So there you are walking along to the bar with a woman that tried to kill you and give A riflejob at the same time. Still as a gentleman once you reach the bar you open the door for her and both make your way to the two seats open at the bar right next to each other. You put you crutches down and Ashe ordered her drink then you ordered the same. But go quiet after you ordered. Even though after what happened in the alleyway and Ashe seems to be harmless at the moment. You still keep your guard slightly up. Ashe then starts the conversation. "So Gunman how long you been with Overwatch?" "Uuhh...." You stuttered. "Not long as a matter of fact this was my first mission since um an accident I had on another mission a while ago." Ashe giggles for a sec. "Your first day back on a job and you get shot in the leg. She takes a drink. You look at Ashe kinda pissed off. "And who's fault is that?" "Eh mine." "But I had no regrets." "I needed to make a point Gunman." You roll your eyes then take a drink. "Although I'm very impressed by the fact you were able to quick scope like that." But then again not surprised considering your one of us. You put your drink down slowly. Then Look down at your tattoo not realizing it was uncovered. "I saw that tattoo earlier today." " Was that before or after you choked me out?" "My memory is a little bit fucked." " After." She says with a grin. "I used to do jobs for your gang back in the day." "Never did get to meet you though." Ashe looks at you. "I do remember the boys telling me a few stories about you."
You grin. "All good things I hope." "Mostly." "No wonder you got hired for a few jobs." "You proved that enough earlier sugar." You take another drink. "I do what I can" You look at Ashe with your hand close to your revolver. "Now I got a question for you." Ashe looks at you, then glances down at your hand then back up to you. She smirks then puts her hands slightly up. Playing around it seemed like. Go ahead ask away. "How did you know I would walk down that alley?" "I didnt really" "I just asked around and here we are." "I needed answers from you, about some things." "And what things were that?" Ashe takes a drink. "Well my eyes for starters, then the tattoo. She then gets close to your ear and whispers. "The other question is yet to CUM." Her voice gets stricter on that last word. You knew why she said it like that and how that word was spelled out. As she leans back, you notice someone has been watching you. You take a quick scan of the area. Not just one but 6 guys and 3 woman have been keeping an eye on you. You turn your attention towards Ashe and say. "Well this has been fun, but people are trying assassinate me." Ashe grabs your robot hand. "You mean the 6 guys and the 3 girls." "How did you?...." Ashe replys. "Know?" "Simple really."I noticed them about 5 minutes ago." "At first I thought they were your Overwatch buddies." "But you're telling me something different." All 9 slowly stand up. "I'll take the woman Gunman and that guy with the mohawk." "I'll take the other 4 men." "Meat in the middle for the last guy?" Ashe says standing up. "Yep." The bar keep knows what's going to happen and ducks. The 9 start running at both of you. Ashe grabs her drink and throws it at the mercenary with the mohawk then rushes the women. Of course the mercenary pulls a knife out and takes a swing at you. But you saw that coming. You dodge the knife then dislocated his shoulder. Finished him off by slamming him into the bar. You crack your knuckles then start walking toward the other 3. Back with Ashe she already has one woman knocked out and is working on the other two. Ashe takes one punch to the face. Then other woman kicks her in the gut. Ashe thinks fast and blocks another kick then flips the woman on her back. She turned her attention the girl that punched her. The lady mercenary pulls out a gun but Ashe grabs her hand and slams it into the bar causing shots to go off. Once she gets the gun out of her hand. Ashe then picks her up then slides her across the bar all the way into wall which knocks her out and gives her a bloody nose. Back to you. You got one guy knocked out and another trying to get back up. While that's going on you are defending your self from a mercenary that's still standing with a knife. You use your crutches to block. You were able to trip the him with your other crutch then knock him out. Back to Ashe. The woman that she flipped. Got back up and pulls out mase. Ashe cocks her head. " Where in the hell were you hiding that at?" She says while using her middle finger to tell her to come forward. Ashe grabs a chair to block the first attack. But the chair was easily destroyed. The lady mercenary kicks Ashe up against the bar and takes a swing at her. Ashe was able to dodge then punch the mercenary right in the side. From there Ashe grabs her then throws her into a wooden beam. Which makes the mercenary fall down. But the mercenary trys to get back up. Ashe doesn't waste a second to grab another chair and slam it into the mercenary back. She was out cold. Ashe makes her way to last mercenary. Mean while you just finished the guy that got back up and started making your way towards the last mercenary. The mercenary yells. "CALM ON THEN!" ILL TAKE YOU BOTH ON BY MY SEL-." He's cut off by you and Ash punching him in the face at the same time. Immediately gets knocked out. Ashe moves her hair away from being in her eyes. "Well that was fun." Ashe says heavy breathing. "Ya it was." Didnt even have to pull out my revolver. You thought to yourself. "Who would send 9 mercenaries to kill you?" You look at Ashe with a half smile. "The better question is-."You stop to take a breather. "Who wouldn't send 9 mercenaries after me?" Ashe picks her hat off the floor. "So would you like to take this back to my place?" "I dont think your place will welcome me to well." You nod. "Ya but before we do that." "Hey bar keep" the bar keep raised his head up over the counter. "Yes?" "Another drink?" "No I'm good." "How about you Ashe?"No I'm good. From there you give the bar keep 50,000 credits for the damages and the drinks. You both walk out cops showing up 2 minutes after you both walk out. "Once we get back to my place you take your time and lay down. Get some time off those crutches. She then gets closer to your ear and whispers. " Dont worry I'll do all the work and I'll make you feel good. Your body sets off a sexual shiver. She then whispers. "I can tell you're ready so let's hurry up and get back to my place." As they walk off into the night. A figure above you two watched the whole fight go down. As a sinister grin comes across this mysterious person face. A voice with French accent, says to herself. "I found you Y/N." Then disapears into the night.

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