Chapter 6

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After a 22 hour flight, a 2 hour train ride, an hour bus ride and a 45 minute walk when the bus broke down we had finally arrived at the house.

"This better be fucking worth it" Hayley grunted as we walked down the driveway to the house.

I turned to her and was about to make a snide remark when I saw her standing motionless with her mouth wide open.

I turned to see what she was looking at, and I did the same thing.

The house was absolutely amazing.

Correction, this wasn't a house, it was a freaking mansion! Everyone's brains seemed to click at the same time and we all ran to the house to bags our rooms.

Amongst the excitement of finally arriving at the house I noticed a letter attatched to the door.

Hello Teenagers,

Welcome to your house, we are very sorry to inform you that we are away for the next 2 weeks as we have business to attend to in America but there will be a maid coming in every day to check up on you and we will be back as soon as possible.

Much Love

The Martins

The others noticed the letter and gathered around while I read it aloud.

After a few confusions about some of the english translations I finally finished and looked around to see the others' reactions.

"Fuck Yes!" Tamara shouted 

"We have the sickest house all to ourselves for two weeks, guys do you not realise how amazing this is?" 

I laughed as the realisation hit me. Woah this trip just kept getting better and better.

Once we had finished unpacking I went upstairs and checked out my room. It was enormous.

There was a huge king sized bed in the middle and it was covered in the most beautiful decorations.

It felt so good to just finally be out of my home in Sydney.

I don't think I could stand another minute with my mother and I still hadn't figured out where I stood with my brother.

I lay back onto the bed and let out a relieved sigh. 

"Knock knock" a familiar voice teased

Luke walked into the room and jumped onto the bed to lie next to me.

We lay there for a bit in silence, the great thing was that it wasn't awkward at all. It's amazing when you're with that one person and everything about their presence makes you happy.

You don't even feel the need to make small talk or conversation because you both completely understand. I knew exactly what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking. 

"It's amazing isn't it?" I said after a while turning on my side to look at him

He looked up at me and smiled

"I can't believe I get to spend a whole month with you Josie"

I laughed at his absolutely adorable dorkiness

"What do you mean? You spend time with me nearly everyday"

"Yeah but that's at home, it's different." 

"How so?"

"I want to actually get to know you Josie, I want to know everything about you. Every little detail. I can't help it. I love everything about you."

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