chapter 11

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I WILL finish this before or by the time summer ends & by the amount Im updating, I think I might finish it before hmmmmmmmm ........

The beginning part of this chapter is going to be what Harry said while Louis was thinking. Just saying, in case anyone is curious or confused.


"No. I'm sorry." Louis said and he looked down. Harry tucked his hair behind his ears and played with the end of his curls.

"I-I just want to know why I feel this way. I don't know how to explain the way I feel or the way you make me feel. I've never liked anyone, obviously, but I like you. I think. No, I know I like you, I just don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin what we have. You make me feel really happy and I know we're little and not big kids yet or adults but I want to learn this all with you. I want to know what it feels like to love someone and to be loved." Harry paused and chuckled. "Love is a big word but this is a big feeling. I have big boy feelings for you Lou. It's okay if you're mad at me for a while because of this but I want to make you happy like you make me happy everyday. Well, I hope I already make you happy. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. We're best friends but we can also be more than best friends. We'll always be best friends no matter what. You know that right? I won't hurt you. Ever."

Louis sat there, looking down into his lap, he didn't move while Harry was talking and he still hadn't moved or said anything. Harry furrowed his brows before speaking up again.

"I won't hurt you. Please, I just want to like you. If you're okay with that. We can still be friends okay?"

Louis continued to sit and wouldn't raise his head.

"Please say something." Harry said. His voice cracked with each word, his eyes became watery and Louis finally looked up. He had a look of realization on his face and now, Harry didn't know whether Louis had even heard anything he had just said to him.

"Harry, we cant."

Harry looked down, disappointed and sad. He let a few tears roll down his face and fly down to the bed below him.

"You didn't hear? Did you?"

"Hear what?" Louis questioned. "I'm sorry I was lost in my head."

"It's okay." Harry whispered. He looked up at Louis and hesitated before flying to him and hugging his cheek. Louis froze but slowly hugged Harry with his hand.

"What did you say Haz?" Louis asked once Harry had pulled away.

"It was a lot. I don't have to say it again."

"I want to hear it all." Louis didn't know what to expect but he didn't want Harry to hurt. He wanted him to be happy and smiling and laughing.

"I just said that. . . I said that—"

"Boys?" They both looked towards the door and saw Johannah opening the door and stepping into the room.

"Morning mum." Louis smiled and ran up to her and gave her a big hug. Harry flew down to the bed and stood there, trying to clean his face to look more put together and not so much like a crying wreck.

"Good morning sweetheart." She hugged him back and bent down to kiss the top of his head. Harry had a small smile on his face at the sight and Johannah looked up at Harry and smiled.

"Good morning." Harry said sheepishly. "Sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Johannah let go of Louis and walked over to Harry.

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