chapter 6

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I wasn't trying to make this a long chapter buuuuutttt it came out longer than expected so I hope you guys enjoy:)


"One of them could possibly die!?" Johannah practically yelled. She stood up and took deep breaths while whispering 'no' to herself repeatedly.

"Please, Ms. Tomlinson, have a seat. Calm down." Doctor Herrera suggested.

"Have a seat? Calm down?" She laughed and stood for a second. "You're telling me, that if those boys, my boys, break their promise, one of them can die and you want me to calm down? How am I supposed to be calm? They're just kids! They might get into an argument or something and what happens then? Tell me. What happens then? What if they-"

"Johannah." Doctor Herrera said slowly. "I don't know what will happen. I don't know what is happening. Believe me, I am as confused and scared as you are. I know that probably doesn't help much but Harry is a very special poppet. That power he showed may not have even been oath. Harry has shown signs of powers but so far, no sign of what they might be. Don't worry, okay? Why don't you bring the boys in?"

Johannah nodded and without saying a word, she walked out of the room and back into the waiting room. She stood at the door and smiled at the sight of Harry and Louis playing and laughing.

"Pew! Pew!" Louis waved around his toy plane that Harry was sitting on. "Get them Harry! Don't let them get away!"

"Boys?" Johannah said as she approached them. "It's time to go in."

The boys stood up and Harry sat on Louis' shoulder as Johannah walked in front of them and led them back to the room. Dr. Herrera turned around and smiled at the boys.

"Hi! How are you boys doing?"

"We're doing great!" Louis exclaimed.

"What's gonna happen?" Harry said, looking at the doctor. "Are we gonna be okay?"

The doctors eyes softened and she went to stand in front of them. She rested her hand on Louis' shoulder and gave a reassuring smile.

"Of course. You're both doing amazing. Harry here, he's just so young and already has flowers but hasn't been able to find his powers yet."

"Am I okay?" Harry asked nervously. The doctor put her hand out and Harry flew over to her. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong. We're just going to run some test on you so we can possibly help identify or see what's going on with your powers." She looked at Johannah and smiled. "Do you have time for that today or would you like to make another appointment?"

"No, no. Today is fine. It's great. Thank you." Johannah was nervous and scared. Who would've even imagined anything like this happening? She knows they'll be fine but the idea of possibilities, couldn't seem to fade out of her head.

"Great!" The doctor turned back to Harry and nodded. "Are you ready Harry?"

Harry looked at Louis and Louis nodded, encouraging him to go.

"Yes. I'm ready."

"Can I come?" Louis stand up and smiles big.

"Sure. You can't be inside when we do the test but you can stand outside the window and you can see everything that's happening." The doctor stands straight and looks at Johannah. "Why don't you come too?"

"Come on mommy!" Louis holds out his hand and waits for Johannah to take it. She smiles and grabs Louis' hand and they all leave the room again and follow the doctor.

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