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This world is an unforgiving place, so why forgive it? see, that's a saying that I've been sticking to for a very long time, and I never will let go of it. Although that saying has been a burden, it's one that keeps me going, I wrong?

I might as well tell you who or what I name is Blazer, I am a specific type of species of Dragons called King or Alpha Dragons. Although I know the name, I know nothing much of the species for my father nor my mother spoke much words about it...except one thing. My species can learn many more Elements than any other dragons, and that each new king Dragon that is born, they can learn one more element than the previous Dragon before them. I happen to be the newest of this species so apparently I can learn a large amount of elements...but I haven't yet, nor do I care enough to do so but...I just know I have too

You want to know my looks? My colors and just the unnecessary details of every damn thing about me? No, no need to waste my time on that...but I will tell you this. My horns are white and rather jagged. My scale color is blue and my underbelly is Gold. My wings are darkish orange and my claws are a mixture of white and gray. I have what looks like a fin on my head, and yes, I was born with it and no, it's not a damn shark fin. I like to say the end of my tail is rather sharp and has a metallic look to it, but all in all, that is how I look.

Although I don't mind talking about myself, I'd rather not. I'll instead tell you my story and all that happened in it, who I met and why I am who I am now. So I suggest you sit down and enjoy the story, cause if you won't, I sure as hell will do it for you

My story

By Blazer the dragon - "Terror of Kingdoms"

Hey, thank you so much for reading my introduction and I hope you like it so far. I'll be updating and please do comment of anything and give a vote, it would make my day :3

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