Chapter 5 - The stranger

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I felt so alone...I felt that this world was just taking more of my joy and hope away from me, all for it's amusement. Was it trying to get something out of me? Are these events just signs that I should just give up, that I should just lay until I release my last breath as death takes my soul away from this pathetic life of mine? The world seems to not want me here, I assume at the least...

I awoke but everything was a blur, I just barely opened my eyes to see where I was. My throat was dry and my body felt empty and I felt that I was on the brink of death. I soon took notice of someone with the little vision I had. I couldn't make out all of its features, just that it was moving back and forth.

"E...Em.." I mumbled, my mouth and voice refusing to cooperate to make any words.

The thing looked at me and I watched as it approached me with something in its hand, it grabbed my mouth and slightly opened it. I was afraid of it, but I didn't care if it was going to hurt me. I knew that it doing so would only make my death quicker and just to end the suffering I was in. It took whatever it had in it's hand and slightly pushed it into my mouth, pouring something into it. I felt a cool liquid hit my mouth and soon my tongue. Without even thinking of doing so, I drank the liquid that this thing was giving me, as if my body was desperate to consume it. I continued to drink this liquid, the cold feeling of it going down my throat and removing any feeling of dryness in it...water, this thing was giving me what my body greatly desired at the time, but why? Why was this thing helping me? After a few moments of drinking the water, my eyes slowly shut and all went black...

I soon woke up again, this time my eyes opened a little more than they did last time, the blur that I saw before seemed to almost be gone. I could make out some more details of my surroundings, I saw some rocks, a fire with what looked like goat cooking over it on and metal poll that stuck through 2 pieces of smooth wood. I couldn't smell the meat of the goat, nor move any part of my body, I took the extra sight I had though to continue observing. I saw what looked like a bed made out of different animal skin and hides. I saw some weapons placed next to each other and a pile of bones. This slightly set me on edge but again, I couldn't care less on what this thing was going to do to me. I kept looking around but that was all I could see for now, soon seeing the same thing walk up to me with something in its hand again. I could see that it was a bowl now and I could also make out some features of the thing. It was a human just like Emily. I could see that it was a man, he had dark brown hair and was white skin color. He wore clothing made up animal skin and fur, he had Black gloves on and tattered shoes made out of fiber. Although I could make out those features, it was hard to make out his face and the other details. I saw him take the bowl and lean it towards my mouth, him opening my mouth again and pouring the water into it. I drank without hesitation, feeling slightly better now that my throat and and mouth weren't dry again. I soon finished up the water that he had given me.

"T...tha..." I quietly mumbled through my teeth, as I somewhat struggled to move my lips and mouth to make actual words.

He looked at me but didn't say a word, he got up and walked over to the fire that was cooking the goat. I saw him looking at it, mostly checking to see if it was done cooking. I wanted to stay awake to see if he'd feed me any of it, but My eyes once again closed as all went dark.

I awoke, this time feeling much better, I could move my body, every single part of it, including my mouth. This filled me with joy, cause now, I could start asking questions. I stretched and slowly got up, also realizing that my vision was crystal clear once again. I looked around to see that I was under a cliff. The space I was in wasn't large but it was a decent size. As I gazed at the cliff, I looked forward to see the land I was in. I saw thick forest and jungles, as well as a plains in the distance with wheat growing in it. I was rather in awe of this sight, making my way out from under the cliff. When I did so, I felt something hard hit my head.

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