Chapter 3 - It's him

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I watched as the sun rose over the horizon, Seeming to stretch out its hand for all of life to see and feel the warmth it gave off. My eyes were glued to it, that is until it got to a point where it hurt to stare at it. When that happened, I looked away, smiling a little and deciding that even though I had refused to fall back asleep, it would be better and easier now that the sun was watching over me trough my window. I climbed onto my bed and spun in a circle a bit to try and get a comfy spot.

"Found it" I quietly said to myself

Before I could even lay in my spot, somebody knocked on my door. I let out a sigh and slowly got off of my bed, annoyed that I couldn't even lay down in that spot. I slowly made it to the door for I felt rather fatigue, but I pulled through and opened the door. My eyes met with Emily's, who gave me a warm smile which I returned with my own.

"Hey Blazer, how'd you sleep?" She asked rather kindly

"Fine...I guess" I answered as I slowly looked down

"Really? Cause you look like you slept for thirty minutes or so" She said in a joking manner

"I guess...I don't know" I said "anyways, you look like you're about to go somewhere"

She nodded.

"Indeed, and you're coming with me" she replied

I raised my head to look at her, tilting it slightly to the right.

"Oh really? Where to?" I asked out of curiosity

"To a nearby town to get some supplies" she answered

I paused and grew a little nervous. I had this fear of other people, that all I could really trust was Emily. I didn't know who out their would want to hurt me for being a Dragon. I mean why wouldn't they if they destroyed my home and massacred so much of my kind.

"Umm...I think I'll just stay here Emily and...go back to sleep" I said

I turned around and took a step back to my room, but I felt Emily grab me by the horn and pull me away from my room.

"Oh no no no, you're coming with me" she stated in a serious tone "it's about time you leave this place and see more of the world rather than being cooped up in the house"

I didn't want to leave the house, but I knew that making Emily have a hard time leads no where good for me. So I eventually gave in and sighed. After a few minutes, I was ready to head out with her. We walked out of the house, a cool breeze passing by, giving off the smell of the forest and how fresh it was to me. We made our way to a nearby town which took us about three hours at walking paste. When we made it, I noticed just how busy it was, seeing people living their lives. I noticed many going in and out by horse and that most of the people there were humans, but some were other creatures...but no Dragons, that made me slightly more on edge but I decided to try and stay strong for Emily.

"Well Blazer this is it, the town of wakington, fairly simple but has amazing things in store. I come here all the time" she said, looking at me.

I stared at the town and soon back at her.

" looks nice I guess, lots of people" I said

Emily nodded and rubbed my head with her hand, walking towards the town, I followed quickly and didn't leave her side once we made it to the towns streets.

"So, what are we here for?" I questioned, noticing many people starring at me.

"Well, we're pretty low on salt. We're also here for some equipment to work on the house in some areas, some more hunting equipment, and I also want to get you something" she answered.

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