Chapter 4 - Run

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I watched Emily work on my bedroom, sitting quietly and awaiting anything she may ask for. Emily was wearing cloths you'd wear to work outside. She wore short sleeved made from fibers and string, her pants were the same, with a leather tool belt strapped around it where she kept the tools to work on the room. Her blond hair was wrapped up like a ponytail in a way to stay out of her face as she worked. She was working on the walls first, deciding to expand a certain part of my room first and see what we could do afterwards.

"Hey, Emily" I said

"Yes Blazer?" She said

She looked at me, lowering a saw she held firmly in her left hand.

"Thank you for doing this, Although I didn't ask for it, it was nice of you to consider it" I said

I gave a smile to her, truly feeling grateful for what she was doing for me.

"No problem Blazer, you are a Dragon after all, and I like to plan ahead." She said

She returned the smile.

"Though one thing is certain." She said "I'm going to be pissed if you don't grow at all, this thing will just be a waste of time."

She gave me a fake frown, I could sense her attitude towards many things, I could tell when she's nervous, angry, or scared. I've only known her for 2 years though, the first year and a half being...quiet and hard between us. That's in the past now, things are looking brighter between us, I can almost see her as a somewhat motherly figure.

"Well, let's hope for the best that I do then." I said

I gave a smirk and she rolled her eyes in a joking manner, continuing to saw away large chunks of wood that were planned to either be removed or used to expand. I would help her with getting some of the tools that she needed, mostly tools that she didn't have room for in that leather tool belt of hers. I'd also help her lift things to certain areas. After a few moments, Emily looked at me and smiled a little, I looked back at her.

" remind me of him so much." She said

"Who?" I asked

"Oh, didn't mean to say that out loud but, guess I'll just spill the beans anyways" she said

I sat down and listened to what she was about to say

"I had someone that I loved...a handsome and kind gentlemen, a rare one indeed. His name was Adam, him and I first met in a town square when we happened to just bump into each other. I was carrying some things at the time and dropped it when he bumped into me. He quickly apologized and helped me pick up my things. He was kind and I thanked him, so that thank you turned into small talk, the small talk turned into a full on conversation in the town square...we knew something that day, that we hadn't just bumped into each other by chance, it was destined."

I smiled a little

"He sounds nice...what happened to him?" I asked

Emily was quiet for a few moments, the smile she had grown on her face by talking about Adam just seemed to fade away when my question struck her. I felt awful at that moment, somewhat wishing that I could've taken the question back.

"Oh s-sorry, I didn't mean to ask you that, should have known something might have happened to him that you didn't like in some way since I haven't seen him." I said quietly

"'s alright, I said I'll spill the beans so I'll continue." She said "when we had been together for about 3 years, we lived in a city called Northwall and we were expecting a child. Soon I gave birth to that child at the age of 19. She was a beautiful baby girl and we named her Rosa. A few years went by and she grew healthy and strong. Adam and I adored her."

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