Chapter 2 - Always remember

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The Kingdom, no matter how large, no matter how burned. I watched as this all happened so fast, so fast I wonder if any managed to even escape.

"Mom...Dad?" I said with fear and a weak voice with no hope in it.

...The cries of agony, the screams of younglings, some not even a week old...The war cry of those who sought to end this once Beautiful home of mine, but for what reason though? What sparked this unknown hatred towards this place, to slay all of those who inhabited it?

"Mom...d-dad" I said once again, my voice slowly becoming weaker in weaker as the tears began to form

Was it the Dragon hunters?...have they come to just end my kind as we know it? No, it couldn't, these weren't Dragon hunters. There were many different creatures, they looked to be Humans, Orcs, and many more...all with the same intention...the same hatred that burned in their hearts towards us


I stopped my words there when a person or creature walked past me, they either didn't notice me or just didn't bother to do anything with me. Although tears were forming in my eyes and beginning to stream down my cheeks, I noticed that this thing was wearing what looked like Dragon scales and many unknown things to me...they were prepared...they had exactly what they needed to gain the advantage over us. These things had to have help from others...where would they get Dragon scale armor from? The only ones I knew that had those were Dragon hunters. Maybe I was wrong, they must've had made and given the armor or maybe they themselves were even here helping with the slaughter...w-why is this happening?

"W-what did we do" I cried out loud, not caring anymore if anyone or if anything heard me.

"What did we..."

I stoped as I heard a roar from the other side of a building I was next to. I stood stiff with fear holding me back...but I had to know who it was, it could be my father or mother in pain. I managed to break free from this fear that held me back, running through an alley and getting to the other side of the building. I stoped in horror and whined as I saw that it wasn't my father nor mother, but a female Dragoness fighting these things, behind her hiding behind some debris were younglings that were so...young. I know that they were just as terrified as I was, I wanted to help them but...I couldn't, I didn't know any of my elements, I didn't know how to fight against trained warriors. I soon took notice that the younglings were looking at me, there faces filled with fear and their eyes just seeming to beg for me to do something.

"I....I" I said in a fearful tone

I backed up a bit and looked at the Dragoness. She was fighting relentlessly against these things, she wasn't even that large, she was probably about 9 feet tall and these things were about 6 or 7 feet. The Dragoness bit, clawed and breathed fire at these things, but their armor was impervious to most of her attacks and they seemed to be circling around her. Soon I watched in horror as one that had managed to get behind her jumped onto her, slamming its sword into her back. The Dragoness screeched in pain and flailed around, the thing on its back pulling out its sword and stabbing her again and again.

"H-HELP!" It screeched out "HELP US!!"

I winced at the sound of her cries, watching as she fell to the ground. Soon the others joined in and began to cut her and bash her head in with large ball liked weapons with spikes on it. The noises were horrible, flesh being cut and a crunching sound of bones echoed through the area. She screeched but soon was muffled by her own blood, eventually her head was busted open and her head was cut off. I watched in disgust as brain and fluids seeped out of its head, its open wounds gushing out blood all over the floor.

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