Chapter 1 - Home

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I narrowed my eyes as I watched her slowly take out her bow, staring at her target as if she had been training to kill it for a long time. This Deer has been a food she had been looking forward to for quite awhile. She slowly took an arrow out of her arrow pouch and readied it on the bow.

"Hey, how big is it?" I said out of curiosity, hoping that we'd finally get lucky for once and score a decent meal for the both of us.

"Hm, it's a pretty big one, looks to be a Buck too." She quietly said "And keep your voice down." she quickly said afterwards.

I rolled my eyes and turned them to look at the Buck. The sunlight that seeped through the trees, it's fur seeming to reflect it, making it look like it was glowing. I stared at it but eventually snapped out of doing so when an arrow went flying towards it, hitting it. I heard the deer seem to scream in agony as it fell over, I glanced at her.

"Hm, nice shot Emily." I said with a smile, Emily looked at me and smiled as well.

"And thanks for uh...keeping me company this hunt" She said with a somewhat sarcastic tone, My smile going away.

"Well, I feel like I have to after you got some of your things taken from some Bandits" I said, Emily sighing and putting her bow away.

"Blazer...that was one time, and you really think I can't handle myself out here?" She said as she glanced over to where the deer was laying, I glanced at it as well then back at her

"Well, I know you can handle yourself it's just, I'm sure it'll be a lot safer out here for you when I'm around" I stated, Emily looked at me and raised a brow, showing that she didn't really believe in what I said.

"Yea...Blazer, although you're a Dragon, you're 12 and you're about 3 ft tall. In all honesty, you're just an oversized dog to other people, especially bandits"

"Uh...thanks" I said

"plus, you haven't even learned any of your elements yet, so you can't use that obviously. Hm, so yea, over sized dog with wings, scales, and you're blue" she said as she used her fingers to count all that she listed, I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"...shut up."

She laughed and glanced her eyes to me and the Buck several times, a way of signaling me to head over to it and check to see if it was still breathing. I nodded and made my way over to it, noticing that it was still breathing, it's eyes showing just how much pain it was going through at the moment.

"Sorry...and...thank you." I quietly said to it

I pulled the arrow out of its body, it squealed in pain and squirmed. I quickly bit onto its neck, snapping it, ending the poor things life. I took my jaws off of it and licked any blood that had gotten on my teeth, soon placing my paw on it and sighing. After a moment, I felt a hand being placed onto my shoulder, I looked to see it was Emily who was giving me a somewhat warm smile as to cheer me up.

"You ok?" She said.

"Yea, it's just...I don't really like to kill things, even if they're for food. To me it just feels wrong, doesn't it to you?" I questioned, Emily looking down at the Buck for a moment then back at me.

"Well, it all depends on the concept of why you're killing the thing. If you kill it for food, it justifies the action, but if you were to kill it out of spite, then you're wasting something precious that could be very helpful to someone else. Someone else like another Hunter, or maybe another animal out there" She said.

"Yea, I guess your right, it's just...agh, I'll get over it, I always do" I said, giving a smile and she gave one back in return. "And hey, I know it'll be a good meal that will last us" I said with joy.

"Pft, Despite your size, you eat like a dang pig, that thing will last us for a day or two" she said with a annoyed attitude.

"Well, you let me do that, I guess I take it for granted though" I said as I lifted the Buck onto my back, looking at her as she narrowed her eyes and slightly nodded.

"Yea, that is true but, I enjoy feeding you and plus, your kind needs a lot of food, especially at your age when your haven't grown that much in awhile, kinda slow to be honest with you" She said, I rolled my eyes.

"I know Emily, my father always told me that I was a late bloomer to pretty much everything, so that doesn't surprise me in the slightest" I said, Emily nodding again.

"Welp, I'm sure you'll grow, Dragons don't really tend to stay small for a while nor do they stay at a small size, well, depending on the species that is" she stated.

"Eh, that's true, now let's get home, I'm starving" I said as I felt my stomach gurgle, Emily smiling and making her way back home as I followed her.

On our way back home, I decided to enjoy the beauty of the forest that we were in. Again the sunlight seeming to seep through the trees just making everything feel...alive. We passed by a small creek on the way back, it was one that we would use to get water when we would be out hunting. A couple minutes later, we paced by what looked to be some ancient ruins that had been left undisturbed for what I would assume was hundreds of years. This forest was just filled with so many recognizable things yet I felt as if I had barely scratched the surface of all of it. Eventually we made it to Emily's house which you guess it, was deep in the woods. Emily opened the door and we both walked in, Emily taking the Buck off of my back and placing it onto her shoulder

"I'm gonna go skin it then clean it, then I'll start making us a good dinner" she said with a smile.

"Heh, can't wait" I smiled back, Emily walking off into another room with the Buck"

I looked around and soon made my way outside of her House, stretching and sitting down on the soft grass that felt like a pillow beneath my feet and paws. I listened to the birds singing their songs, the wind blowing and maneuvering between the trees and past me, giving a nice cool breeze. I enjoyed it all but was soon interrupted when my Crystal that was around my neck began to slightly glow. I looked at it and held the purple crystal, confused as to why it was doing what it was doing.

"Hm...never understood why dad gave me this...but I trust him"

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and more will be coming out. I had a lot of fun making this chapter, and I hope that this book can grow into something amazing for many readers out there. Anyways if you'd like to, please do give a vote for it would mean a lot to me! Also don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think! Also don't forget to add this to your reading list if you want to get a notification for any new chapters. But anyways that's all I gotta say and I'll see y'all in the next chapter!!😁

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