Chapter 7 - First fight

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"Good, again!" The man yelled, me nodding and swinging my claws at the man, the man dodging and swinging a weapon at Me, I quickly used all fours to jump out of the way, getting up and swinging at the man again.

This man and I kept doing so for a few more minutes, eventually I swung and he dodged again, this time retaliating from my swing and hitting me on the back with a metal poll. I groaned and fell down, getting up and looking at him, the pain seeming to pulse in the one area that was struck.

"Focus dragon, you must also prepare yourself for your foe to strike back if you miss. Most will always try to do that, but you don't have to, if they miss, let them try to hit you again and again. If you do this, you'll have more control over the fight, and you have the power to strike when they're tired out and least expect it." The man said.

I nodded and narrowed my eyes, standing on my hind feet and readying myself to strike at him again.

"Now...AGAIN!" He yelled

I narrowed my eyes and swung at him, he dodged and swung at me, dodging his swing and backing up a little, trying to do as he said to not instantly strike back. The man seemed to notice my action and grinned a little, raising his metal pole toward me as a taunt. The taunt seemed to work at I swung at him, he dodged and swung, hitting me on the side, I yelped and swiftly swung back, the man dodging but lifting his hand towards me to make me cease the fight. I stared at him, the man slowly touching his cheek and looking upon his fingers.

"Heh, well would you look at made me bleed Dragon" the man said, looking at me and smiling

"Oh, my mistake master, I didn't mean to do that.." I said, the man shaking his head and letting out a chuckle

"No no Dragon, this pleases me. It took about a year for you to actually bring your claws upon my flesh, and I'm glad you did so" He said, walking over to me and putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Really? Thank you master!" I said in a joyful tone, the man nodding. "Although, I still have a burning question...When will you teach me my fire element?" I asked, the man looking down then back at me

"...When you're ready, that's when I will" He said, I glanced down, unsatisfied with his answer. "I know you wish to learn it Dragon, but you'll know when you're ready" He said, I looked at him and nodded

"I guess, Is there something I can do that me be ready for it?" I asked

"Heheh, sadly no Dragon, it's impossible for every Dragon is different when it comes to learning their fire element." he said, I let out a sigh "But, there's something else you can do"

I perked up

"And that is?" I questioned

"Go get us some food..." He said bluntly

I sighed and nodded, doing as he asked and heading down and into the vast forest that was nearby in search of an animal.


I walked around the woods for what felt like hours, still empty handed with no fresh kill to eat. That wasn't the only thing that annoyed me and was on my mind, as I was also pondering about what he said and how he still said that I wasn't ready to learn my fire element.

"'s been a dang year and he still says ohh I'm not ready" I said in a mocking tone "I'm doing great in normal combat, I'd probably be able to help someone if they needed, but what's a dragon without being able to breath fire?" I groaned, hitting the dirt with my claws and looking around, noticing that it was starting to get late, the sun beginning to sink below the horizon. The forest itself was making the place a lot darker than it really was due to how dense it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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