Chapter 3

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Chapter 3...Thanks for reading Change of Heart everyone! If you're reading please vote! Happy reading!💋

Josh's POV

Thursday, January 7

I walk into Spanish class and take my seat in front of Kendall. I usually talk to her before class, but today I just took my seat. I'm still kind of irritated at Brooke. Who does she think she is accusing me of liking Chloe? Why would she ever think that? I've despised that girl since the day I've met her.

Anyways, the Spanish classroom in organized in rows with tables. Me and Paige share a desk and Kendall sits behind us with this kid named Brandon Pent who is usually talking to some girl on the other side of him. Paige walks in and sits down next to me.

"Hey Joshua." She says.

"Don't call me that." I respond turning towards Paige and a little backwards to see Kendall.

"Gosh someone's in a bad mood." Kendall snaps.

I sigh, "I'm sorry Brooke just makes me mad sometimes."

"What'd she do?" Kendall asks.

"I-uh it's nothing." I start turning back to face the front of the class.

"N-n-n-n-no." Paige says pushing me back. "C'mon just tell us."

"Well she said she thinks I like Chloe." I admit.

Kendall and Paige exchange a glance. "Well that's crazy," Paige starts, "You guys despise each other."

"I know right!"

"Well do you like her?" Kendall asks curiously.

"Yeah do you?" Paige adds.

"Not you guys too." I put my head on the desk.

"You know it would make sense." Paige starts saying.

"Yeah like hiding his love for her with hate." Kendall states.

"And they would be so cute. You know those like love-hate relationships. I can see it."

"I know and then we'd never have to listen them going on and on about how much they hate each other."

"Do you guys know I'm still here?!" I exclaim.

Paige smirks and puts her elbow on the desk and her chin on her hand. "You know you never answered our question Josh."


"Do you like Chloe?!" Kendall says as if it's a obvious statement.

"No." I state honestly...I think. I know they aren't gonna drop it there.

They share a smirky glance as if they just discovered something. "K!" They both say simultaneously.

"You guys I'm not lying!" I defend myself.

"We never said you were." Paige says now writing in her notebook.

"Well you are thinking it."

"We aren't thinking-" Paige starts.

"Oh no I think he is!" Kendall chimes in.

I look at Paige and gesture towards Kendall. "Can we just drop this?" I plead.

"Sure." Kendall says.

"Thank you." I mumble turning back around.

"But-" I stop moving, "What if I told you Chloe told me she liked you." Kendall says.

I whip my head back around, "She said that?!"

"No she never said that." Kendall says fast looking down. "But why did you care so much?"

"I-I didn't I just wanted to make sure she didn't like me." I say not very convincingly.

"Oh please." Paige belts. "There's nothing else she could have said to make you turn around faster."

"That's not true." I firmly state.

Kendall opens her mouth to say something but she was interrupted. "Vertes, Hyland, McKessie, I'm trying to teach a class here." Señora Wiggins scolds us.

"Yes Señora." We all mumble.

The rest of class I wasn't focused on Spanish at all. I couldn't get my mind of this. But the worst part is I wasn't thinking of Brooke, Kendall, or Paige. I was only thinking about Chloe. Are they right? Do I like her?

Alright, I know the answer to that. I've always kinda had a crush on her. But it's like a tiny miniature microscopic crush. It's really not that big a deal.

I mean she's the only person who didn't throw themselves at me when I moved here. How could I not be intrigued by that? She's so mysterious. I didn't know anything about her and I just wanted to know more.

Unfortunately I really don't know that much about her. She's an only child and lives with just her mom but that's about it. And from what I can tell, no one else really knows either. Not even Paige knows much about her family and they're inseparable. She's so closed off. It just makes me curious.

Anyways somewhere along the lines, we ended up as enemies. We've always had this chemistry between us which 100% comes across as hate, because honestly it is. Just, you know, somewhere deep down in there there might be a hint of love.

Once the bell rings I gather my books and stand up. Last period, I have science class which is probably my least favorite of the day. First of all, I hate science. I'm so bad at it. I just can't understand it. Second, I don't really have any friends in this class. My lab partner is this girl named Maddie and she's super nice and stuff and really smart so she helps me out a lot. And finally, Chloe is in this class. And I think you get the issue there.

We toke notes on chemical reactions which we'll be doing a lab on soon. Right as the bell rings, Mr. Williams announces we will be getting new lab partners. "The list is posted by the door, check it on the way out. You'll be working with your new partners on Monday."

I gather my stuff and head towards the door to check out the list. But once I did, I wished I hadn't. I saw the one thing I didn't want to see.

Chloe Lukasiak and Josh Hyland.

Author's Note...What'd you guys think? Hope you liked it! Don't forget to comment and vote! Updating when I have 40 reads. Thanks for reading!❤️

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