Chapter 11

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Chapter 11...Thanks for all the votes everyone! So excited to update again! Hope you guys are too! Happy reading!💋

Josh's POV

Monday, January 11

I head up into my room after dinner to start doing some homework. I walk over to grab my books from my desk which is right by the window. As I pick up my stuff I look across the street to Chloe's house.

Such a big, pretty house and I wish it knew what went on in there. I felt kind of bad about flipping out on her today at school. I was really just trying to convince myself that she'll never like me and I was irritated she was acting that way.

I shift my gaze further down to by the street and see Chloe sitting on the driveway. She's so stupid, it's freezing out! Her head was down in her hands but now she has looked up. Her face was really red. Was she...crying? She probably deserved whatever happened.

I'm not sure what happened next. It was either my nice guy instincts taking over, something I still felt for this girl, or I can't believe Chloe Lukasiak was crying. I was walking out my front door with my coat on and another one in my hand. Her head is back in her hands so she doesn't she me approaching.

"Hey." I say simply, standing to her left looking down at her.

Chloe looks up at me for half a second but immediately darts her eyes straightforward. "Go away Josh!"

I notice her face is extremely red and it's not from crying or being out in the cold. I squat down really close next to her that coat still in my hand. "Whoa what happened?"

She cautiously looked over to me and our eyes were locked. I was slightly looking at the side of her face. It was really red and on the side and right by her jawline there were a few little scratches, definitely from a girl's hand. I don't know who did this, but Chloe is pretty tough and could take most girls if she was ready.

The second time I've seen Chloe Lukasiak on the verge of tears and it's not any better. It sucks to see people cry. Especially when you feel like you could have helped them. We were looking at each other for longer then we needed to. I could tell she was scared to talk.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I finally say. We break our gaze but don't move. She is sitting with her knees hugged into her chest with her hands on her ankles. I was squatted down with both my heels off the ground, my right hand on the ground propping me up, and the extra coat I grabbed in my left. Our knees were touching which I hadn't noticed until now so I back away slightly.

"Josh, I don't need you." Chloe says looking forward and then over at me.

I raise my eyebrows, stand up, and walk around and put the coat over her shoulders. She tenses up when my fingers touch her arm. I can tell she's really shaken up. I proceed to walk away back to my house, my hands in my pockets.

"Wait." Chloe says dragged out and defeated.

I smile to myself, my back still towards her. When I turn around our stares meet and she gestures with her eyes to the pavement next to her inferring me to sit down. I walk over and take a seat a good distance away from her.

I look over to her. "So." I say

"So." She pauses. "Why'd you come out here?"

"I saw you from my bedroom window sitting out here all alone." I admit. "And I don't think I've made fun of you enough today."

She rolls her eyes and starts to slightly smile. I start to slightly smile at the sight of her smile. "Oh so you're spying on me now?"

"Oh you want my to go back inside and take my jacket?"

"No!" Chloe protested. She starts slipping her arms into the sleeves. "Thank you by the way."

"Don't mention it." I say. "Let's talk!" I say very cheesy and enthusiastically.

Her eyes got really wide and nervous, she tried to hide it. "Josh I-I"

I interrupt her, "Not about you! About me! God Chloe why do you have to be so selfish!" I save myself and her from an awkward moment.

She giggles. "Okay go."

"Well I'm Joshua Dale Hyland. I have a little brother in eighth grade and a little sister in seventh grade. I play hockey and I've lived in Pittsburgh for almost a year." I know she already knows all this stuff but I'd say anything to talk to her.

"You're brother looks just like you. And your sister is really adorable." Chloe says. Being neighbors we see each other's families around. Well, she's seen mine, again I really know nothing about her. Also at like family parties that like Mikey and Brooke and our friends have.

"Eh they're pretty annoying." I admit.

"I'm sure they aren't that bad." She pauses.

"Well you're an only child right?"

She nods. "Yeah. I've always wanted brothers and sisters."

"I've always wanted a big brother. And a big sister so she'd bring home her hot friends."

Chloe laughs and hits me. "Stoooop. I wish I had older siblings to help me out. And little siblings who looked up to me like yours do to you." She pauses and looks dreamingly at me. "Just a family like yours."

I feel like someone just punched me in the gut. I'm so lucky with my family. I've never even realized people don't have families to back them up. And it took someone living across the street for me to realize. And it's been this way as long as I lived here.

"You don't?" I shakily ask.

She shakes her head looking back at her feet. "Not anymore."

"Chlo?" I start, "Who did that to your face?" She looks up at me. I see the tears sitting on her eyeballs, but still a strong glare in her face.

She sighs.

Author's Note...What'd you guys think? Tell me how much you liked it! Or how much you hated it! Tell me something! And thanks for reading!❤️

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