Chapter One

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You were running as fast as possible. Your lungs were burning as were your legs. But you didn't care. All you cared about was getting away from them. So, you ran to the place you figured you'd be the safest. Your school. It was late at night, about 11:30 p.m. Your foster dad had decided to get drunk again, and wake you up only to tell you how worthless you were. To tell you that no one wanted you. When you had finally stood up for yourself, that's when you got the worst beating of your life.

He had thrown you into a wall hard enough to make you dizzy. After that, he threw his glass bottle at you, hitting you in the stomach. When he got close enough, he grabbed you around your neck, but it wasn't enough to kill you. You started kicking and screaming to make him let go, but he didn't. He gave you a good punch to the face though. That's when you decided to "play dead". You went limp with your eyes closed and he dropped you. He cursed under his breath and hurried to your foster mother to tell her what happened.

That's when you took your shot and just ran. Out of the house, down the street, around the corner, and eventually made it to the school. By no means was the school close to your house. It took you a good thirty minutes to get there, but you made it.

You sat on the swing and cried. What had you done to make them hate you? Why didn't anyone want you? What was so wrong with you, that no one wanted to care for you? You wiped the tears from your cheek, an erupt pain came from your left cheek as you did. Some blood mixed with tears was on the back of your hand.

"God, if you're listening, please, please, take me away from here. Please!" You cried into your hands some more.

A bright light flashed, illuminating your whole body. Curious to see what the light was, you looked up and you saw nothing but light. You attempted to get a good look by blocking some of the light that was directly in your eyes, but to no avail.

Fear had been the only emotion you felt. It wasn't the fear you had when facing your abusive foster parents. No, this one had a mix of...excitement? Your wish had been answered. Right? Your eyes began to adjust and you could see parts of whatever this thing was. It looked like a weird airplane, but you knew better.

Another light shot out from the other one. It was a bright yellow that enveloped you in it's rays. Your heart was beating so quickly and hard that you swore you could hear it. The light swirled around you as you began floating up. Your breath quickened as you got closer to the weird...ship?

You reached the inside of the hovercraft by basically getting thrown through a weird door. Looking around, you froze when you spotted...things. Around you were many different humanoid looking people, but they looked weird. Not like humans. Some of them had bright yellow or green skin with scary teeth and spikes coming out of their head.

You swallowed hard, backing up to the cold metal wall, pushing your back flush against it. They all just looked at you, getting a bit closer. You were trembling as one started to laugh.

"She looks mighty tasty!" One of them spouted.

"We ain't eva' had Terran before!" Another shouted.

As much as you wanted to cry, you didn't. Your mind wasn't on the fear. It was on escaping somehow. So, you did what you were good at. Running. You ran as fast as you could. Escaping many of their attempts to grab you.

When you spotted a door, you decided to run towards it. As you were running through, another body made itself known, knocking you down on your ass. You looked up at the figure. It was blue and on its head was a red stripe.

"Hello, little girl." It said, sticking its hand out with a smile.

It's teeth were gruesome. They were shaped into points that went down the left corners. Some of them were covered in silver. You hesitated before grabbing its hand. It seemed nice enough...

"My name is Yondu Udonta. What's yours?" He asked as he helped you up, his voice sounded a little rough.

You took in a few breaths before you answered. "(Y-Y/n) (y/l/n)."

"Well, ain't you adorable." He looked up at his friends. "Looks like you gave my crew a run for their money." He got down on one knee and looked at you at eye level. "You're lucky I came when I did. From the looks of it, they were about to eat ya."

His statement sent a chill down your spine at the thought of getting torn apart by these aliens. Your eyes didn't look away from Yondu's.

"How old are ya, kid?" He questioned softly.

"S-six." You stuttered.

"Well, (y/n), I have a surprise for you. Wanna see?" He stated as he stood up, his hand still holding yours.

You nodded. "Yes."

He led you through many hallways until you both came to a door. When he opened it, your eyes landed on a boy around your age. Maybe a little older. He looked like he had been crying. His back was against the wall with his legs to his chest.

Yondu got on one knee again and placed his blue hand on your small shoulder. "Well, go on. Make a friend. Don't be shy." He lightly pushed you inside.

You turned around and almost ran back to your new blue friend. You knew that he stole you, but you also knew that you owed him everything. He had basically saved you in your eyes. You walked to Yondu's kneeling form. He just stared at you with a soft face. When you wrapped your arms around him, you could sense his confusion.

"Thank you." You said, hugging him tightly. At first he hesitated but eventually he patted your back.

When you backed away and looked into his eyes, you could read the confusion on his face. His eyes roamed down to your already bruised cheek that had dried blood on it. That's when he understood.

He swallowed as he looked you in the eyes. "You're welcome." With that, he pushed you in the room lightly and closed the door.

You stood there staring at the metal door. Now what? Were you supposed to actually make friends with this boy? Turning around, you noticed the boy's stare. You took in a deep breath and made your way towards him, his eyes following you.

You sat down next to him in the criss cross form, facing him. "Hi. I'm (y/n). (Y/n) (y/l/n)." You tried to be as friendly as possible.

His legs slid down the floor as his hand went towards you. "Peter Quill."

You shook his hand gently with a smile. His eyes studied your face. It embarrassed you when he saw your cheek and turned away. Peter grabbed his backpack and pulled out what looked like a handkerchief. He brought it to your face and gently wiped away the blood from your left cheek.

As he was focusing on your cheek, you focused on his eyes. They were a nice green color that reminded you of the forest. A small buzzed pain was in your cheek as he gingerly cleaned it.

"How old are you?" You asked as he pulled his hand back and placed the small cloth next to him.

"Eight. What about you?" He scooted a little closer.

"Six." You answered as you turned your body, your back to the wall just like his.

"Why did you thank Yondu? He stole us." Peter made his anger evident in his voice, but you knew it wasn't directed towards you.

"Any place is better than home."

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now