Chapter Thirteen

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  After you changed your clothes, which consist of a black Black Sabbath shirt that's kind of big on you. You're pretty sure it's his. But you don't really care because it's comfortable. And jeans that are for women. Why did he mix and match?

  "Alright, which car should we take?" He questions as the elevator doors open.

Which car? Why does he have multiple ones? How are you supposed to know which car? You haven't seen them. Then again, he may have every car imaginable.

  A pretty woman walks out of the elevator. She's wearing professional clothing. Her hair looks like a strawberry blonde color. She's holding a brown paper bag. "Hey, Tony." She walks up to him.

  "Hey, Miss Potts." He pecks her lips.

  "Miss Potts never gets old." She playfully rolls her eyes with a smile as she backs up.

  Her eyes travel to you. "Hi, I'm Pepper." She walks towards you with her hand out.

  You smile back. "I'm (y/n)." You both shake hands.

  "Honey, I hope you don't mind, but I let her borrow a pair of your pants. The clothes she had on just shouted 'outsider'." Tony says as she backs away from you.

  "No problem at all. She's welcome to anything she needs." Pepper states nicely.

  "Oh, by the way..." Tony turns to you. "That shirt is mine. I thought it would suit your style. I mean, you walked in here looking pretty badass, so I thought a graphic T-Shirt would work a hellova lot better than a fancy shirt."

"Uh, thanks." You awkwardly smile, not sure what else to do.

"Oh, Bruce called me earlier. Said that you weren't picking up." Pepper remembers as she takes a seat on the couch.

Tony takes out a rectangular device and glances at it. "What'd he say?"

"He said that he and Natasha would be coming back later tonight." Pepper answers.

Bruce and Natasha? Who are they? They must be two of the other Avengers. You didn't do much research on the others. Only Tony and Thor, since you need them.

"What about Cap?" Tony questions as he places his device in his pocket.

Is that a phone? They sure as hell didn't look like that when you were young. But of course time changes things.

"I'm not sure. He didn't say anything about him." Pepper answers.

  "Awesome. Well, (y/n) here is waiting for Point Break to come back so he can take her to Asgard. And to calm her down, I told her I'd take her out on a night on the town." He explains as he stands up, glancing out of the large window. "Even though it's not night yet."

"That's sounds great. I hope you guys have fun!" Pepper beams as she stands up.

"Oh, also, I told Jarvis to tell you when the scan is done. Just call me, okay?" Tony says as he makes his way to the elevator, and you follow.

  "I'll try, but let's hope you actually answer." She smiles as he presses the elevator button.

  "I'll try." He winks.

  "It was nice meeting you, Pepper." You smile.

  "You too, (y/n)." She says sweetly and then walks out of the room.

"I like her." You state as you face Tony.

  "Yeah, me too." He says as the elevator doors open.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now