Chapter Twelve

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    A few weeks have passed. A song is playing on the speakers of the Milano. You're pretty sure it's called Want You Back. At least you think so. You decided to wait for your departure below the cockpit. Drax is cleaning his knives with his back facing away from the table. Groot looks at you as you take a seat. He brings his arms out and starts dancing. You beam at him as he does.

  When Drax looks over, Groot stops dancing. His hands in the air as he stands still. Drax stares at him intently for a few seconds before turning back to what he was doing. As soon as he looks away, Groot starts dancing again. He's so adorable. Now more than ever.

  "(Y/n), we're here!" Peter shouts so you can hear him.

  You jump up, and hurry up the steps. There it is...Earth. The place you were taken from. Is it going to be different from the last time you were there? It has to be, right? Time goes on and evolves. You can't expect it to be the same.

"Wait, why are we going to earth?" Rocket questions.

  You turn to him. "We aren't. It's-Uh-just me." You say, biting your lip afterwards.

  "What? Why?" He stands up.

  "I have to meet my parents, Rocket. The only way to do that is through this Thor guy, and he apparently here." You explain, folding your arms over your chest.

"Why can't we come?" He asks.

  "I have to do this by myself, okay?" You softly speak.

  "I don't like this." Rocket states as Peter stands up.

"Neither do I, but she's made up her mind." Peter voices.

"Are you coming back?" Rocket questions.

  You kneel in front of him. "Of course I'm coming back. I would never stop being a guardian. I just wanna meet my parents on my own."

Rocket shakes his head. "That's stupid. What if something happens and you need us?"

"Exactly!" Peter agrees.

Rolling your eyes, you stand up. "And what happens when someone needs the Guardians? One of us missing is better than all of us missing. Don't you think?" You fold you arms over your chest.

Peter and Rocket stay quiet as they think of something to say.

"She's right. If only she goes, then we have enough people to save lives. We all cannot be with her." Gamora sides with you.

"Why can't one of us come with you? Like me, for example?" Peter questions in frustration.

You shake your head and scoff. "I thought you guys would be happy for me, y'know? I finally get my chance to meet my parents and have them explain themselves, and you two are just shitting all over it." You take a step back. "You two are unbelievable." With that, you walk down the steps, and hurry to your room.

You have to grab the bag you packed earlier. What's wrong with them? Why the hell are they acting like douchebags? You expected it from Rocket, but from Peter? Never in your lifetime would you have expected him to act like that. After all, you both share a common goal. To meet your parents. He wants to find his dad, and you want to find both your mom and dad.

You close the door, lock it, and walk to your bed, grabbing your backpack. For a second, you sit down, and take your earpiece out of your pocket. You've done a little research on the Avengers. Other than Thor, you're looking for a man named Tony Stark. He owns Stark Industries, the ones who created your suit, so maybe he can fix it.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now