Chapter Sixteen

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  You and Thor had spent hours together. He had taken you to excessively beautiful places on Asgard along with the less beautiful, but beautiful nonetheless. While on the tour, you were sure that there wasn't an ugly place on the floating piece of land. Aragon stayed at the castle. He said he wanted to give you and your brother some time to catch up.

  It's getting dark now, and you still haven't met Loki. A part of you is upset, but another part is saying, 'what's wrong with one more day'? You've spent your whole life without knowing about him, what's one more day, right?

  "Well, I look forward to spending more time with you, sister. Until then, goodnight." Thor grins as he opens the door for you.

  "Thanks. I do too." You nod, taking a step into your room. "Night." You close the door behind you, a beaming smile on your face.

  "My brother doesn't hate me!" You sing song as you hop on your bed.

  "Why would you assume he would hate you?" Aragon questions as he comes in from off the balcony.

  You shrug. "I don't know. People normally hate me when they first meet me." You admit.

  "Only when you are Spectre."

Wait, what? How does he know about that? "How'd you-"

  "Our minds are linked in a certain way. I receive some of your memories, and you receive some of mine. But it will only last until the day you learn how to use your abilities correctly." Aragon explains effortlessly with his cool echoey British sounding accent.

"But I don't think I've ever had any of your memories. At least I don't remember them." You say as you take off your boots.

"I normally saw them while I was asleep. Maybe you saw them while you were asleep as well. You wouldn't see much. Just guards bringing me food and then running away." Aragon explains.

You nod. You usually forget your dreams. Maybe you'll remember something later. "What other things do your remember?" You question.

His golden eyes meet yours. "Mostly the ones that have shaped your life. You being kidnapped and meeting Peter, meeting Liam..." Aragon stops himself as he looks away. "The first woman that Peter brought to the Milano."

  You shake your head. "How did that shape my life?" You question.

  "It made you feel as if you were not good enough for the man you loved." He answers.

  That's true. The first woman he brought on the Milano looked like a super model. Her hair was long and blue, her skin a shade lighter. You had heard a squeal coming from his room, so you investigated. When you opened the door, you saw Peter with no shirt on, making out with the blue woman. And of course you being the sneaky bitch you are, closed the door silently and walked to the cockpit so you wouldn't hear anything. As you sat there, you realized that you weren't the one that he wanted. He never would. But little did you know that was a big lie that you told yourself.

  "Peter almost dying had a huge affect on you as well The first and second time." Aragon continues.

  You shake your head. "Alright, I get it." You snap, not wanting to think about the love of your life almost dying.

  "My apologies."

  "No, I'm sorry. I just...I just don't wanna think about that." You lay back on your bed and take in a deep breath.

There's a knock on the door. Your head shoots in the direction of the knock. Sitting up, you fix your t-shirt, and hurry over. When you open the door, you're met with a puppy. It's so small and cute!

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now