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Omg, Hi guyysss :D I'm finally back!!!
I'm really really sorry for taking so long, it took me a year to get back on track!!! Wattpad changed a lot and so did I hahahaha.

I was on hiatus for a while (a year hahaha) ever since my laptop broke, I basically stopped writing chapters nor planning on making one. I was really busy with school and I really tried my best to write but unfortunately my phone died :((

So nowwww, I don't even know if y'all are still interested on reading this book hahaha, but I am continuing on making more stories :)

I changed a lot since then, and so did BTS. I'm quite shocked that I was able to get this account back because I forgot my username and password hahahaaha ( ̄ω ̄;)

But still I'm really glad that I was able to write this note and I hope that anyone who's reading this is still interested on reading this book. I've been really stressed for the past few months and a lot of heartbreaks was given to me. I came back here because this is the only way I can express my feelings and to tell y'all what I feel.

I'm really disappointed in myself to be honest because I was blinded by those mystical words that I really believed to be true, and I regretted that a lot. I hope that even though I've been through a lot, I can still do my best to succeed in life and give it all I've got.

I have a lot of stories in mind and yes I'm gonna start writing again :D

Hope you guys have a nice weekday! To make sure you guys are updated follow me @Sipping-Champagne

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