Suga: Basket ball Player

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When we describe a girl that means they're really feminine, Shy, fragile, and all those girly types...... but what if there's a girl who is completely different from what we've describe? boyish, like's sports, confidence is off the roof, a player ? well all of those are on her list because her childhood friend changed her..... 


When will he remember me? ughh this is stressing me out.........

So here i am walking down the streets to go to school just like normal students do while thinking about stuff, as you can see i'm just a normal student who studies for the sake of saint peter not really But people thinks that i'm special because of my sporty side and talent, well i think way around........... i think of myself as nobody because all my friends at school are plastic except for my two best friends. Some students they're just making friends with me because i'm famous and stuff but i just shrug it off and play cool, i may be tough outside but i'm really fragile on the inside. I'm just showing my cool side to get my mind off him and to get him to know who i am, it's like 'notice me senpai'.

As soon as i reached our school students are already gathering to greet me and of course my two best friends are the first one to run to me "Y/N!!!!!!" the both said in unison,geez they're noisy as always "Good morning beshie!" Ashley said while giving me those killer smile of hers, so yeah meet Ashley my best friends since middle school, "we're gonna be late c'mon" my best friend crystal said, so this is also my best friend since middle school and they're both noisy and supportive. So here i am looking dumb while students greeting me but i don't want to respond because i'm in a bad mood to be greeting plastic human beings which means i just gave them a bored face while my two best friends Ashley and Crystal talking about their boy friends, like bruhh this is what i hear every morning, i think i need a brain surgery because all this nonsence are brain washing me geez.............

So while i was listening to my best friends talking about beauty salon and girl's night out, i suddenly heard fan girling on my side so which means Suga and his teamis here. I kept my bored face on while they walk pass us, i didn't pay attention to his face because i'm too stress to deal with him right now so we just went to class. 

When we reach our classroom this is what we first heard "GOOD MORNING!" what a bunch of plastic students *sigh* i just gave them a small smile and sat down on my seat. Then our Math teacher came and so as Suga and his team, If your wondering what team is he in well it's basket ball team and Suga is their team captain and of course He is my childhood friend who can't remember me ...... i didn't gave up on him because he is my 'First Love'.

" Hey Yoongi!!!!" I said while running up to him "Y/N where have you been? i've been looking for you!" he said while i hugged him and giving him a cheeky smile "i want to tell something when the sun is down" he nod at me and gave me his gummy smile, he told me that he will buy ice cream for the both of us so i wait for him to get back. when he got back we lay down the grass while we talk about the future "Y/N when we grow up i want you to be my bride, i already told my mom about it hehe" "really? i can't wait!" i said while running around and so does he. The sun was almost down so i have to tell him what i want to say "Yoongi........ my family and i are moving tomorrow, But i promise i'll be back so we can still be together" i said while holding his hands and in the urge of crying "Don't worry i'll wait for you and if someone wants to marry me i'll refuse because i want you to be my bride okay?" he said while wiping the tears that had left my eyes "pinky promise?" i said while holding up my pinky "Promise" he said while holding my pinky with his pinky, so i hugged him while saying good bye because my mom is already calling me.

i met Yoongi again at 10th grade first day of school because we don't have the same classroom since middle school so i didn't know he was here so now we're classmates but when i first saw him he thought of me as his fan so i tried my best of telling him who i am but unfortunately he won't let me finish my words every time so i ended up being annoying to him and getting yelled at every time so i gave up and just focused being a captain on a basket ball team.

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