RM: Mom of my twins for Hire

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Another normal day where Me and my apartment is always together. I've been like this for 5 years. Ever since my Mom and Dad told me to live by myself I've been all alone here and studying college. Well i'm graduating next 3 months, so it's really not that hard.

Oh by the way i'm Y/N 22 year's old looking for a job that can help me finish college. I have been looking for a job but all of them didn't really work out. 

First i worked at a cafe which didn't end up well because i accidentally broke the cashier and the coffee maker.

Second i found my self a job which is baby sitting well not Really a baby because it was a 18 year old horny boy. God i almost lost my V-card that day.

Third i worked at a shop which is an Eye wear store. Man it also didn't end up well because everything i touch breaks like i'm some kind of a God of destruction.

Fourth well i didn't find a job yet so here i am on the streets looking for fliers that will offer me a job. 

Y'know i don't think my future husband would want to live with me because When he come home we may not have a house anymore because of me destroying it. I think i'm gonna be an old single woman when i grow up

"GAaaaahhhh!" i shouted really loud which caused all the people to look at me.

"Mianhae" i said while bowing to them.

That. was. so. freaking. embarrassing! i mentally slapped my self for doing that.

"C'mon Y/N this is not the time to be shouting our problems" i whispered to my self

I pouted a bit when i saw a bunch of people huddling around a person. I tried peeking but i'm small compare to these people. I'm not that small my height is 168. But anyways all i did was climb into a post. 

I saw a handsome looking guy being surrounded by crazy looking hoes- i mean women's that is clinging to his arms,pants,hair,shirt,butt- wait what, Well gotta save this guy so he won't go home looking like trash.

I jumped to get down from the post and it hurts as hell. 

"Excuse me!" i said while pushing through the crowd

Well my mom and dad did say that i'm the strongest in the family so why not use it.......... here goes.

"YAAAAAHHH!" i powered push all people and i end up being on someone's arms and someone's lips are on my lips!

"What the flower" I said when i realised that those pair of arms and lips was the handsome guy being tackled by wild hoes- i mean wild animals- For get it! 

I quickly balanced my self and push the guy a bit then i started talking to the crowd of people.

"HOES, BITCHES,ANIMALS! what ever you are! GET OFF MY HUSBAND OR ELSE I'M GONNA RIP OPEN YOUR SKINS USING NAIL CUTTERS!" i shouted while giving my death look.

Now the street is empty like all the people just vanished. Good. Wait...................... Did i just say-

"uh um- I-I'm sorry sir i didn't mean to say-" 

"It's okay miss and um Thank you for saving me from those hoes- i mean women's" He said while scratching the back of his head.

My freaking leg and arms HURTS so much. My leg almost gave up on me but i quickly balanced my self.

"You okay miss?" He said while looking at my legs and bruised arms

"Yeah i-i'm okay" i said still holding my arms.

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