Jungkook {SPECIAL}: ILY since 2010 (Part 1)

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'10 years has passed my feelings never changed, my dreams and nightmares are all about you and you only.'

'I keep seeing you still loving me like the way you use to. Am I addicted or obssessed about you?'

'I told you that I was scared of drowning, but now I got used to it because all these years I've been drowning to all the words you used to tell me.'


I woke up holding the sheets for dear life as I try to gasp for air, tears sliding down while trying to calm myself and stable my breathing.

I pulled out my nebulizer from my bed drawer and tried my best to calm down so that I'd be able to breath properly. Wave of thoughts as to what I was dreaming came rushing as I stared at the messy bed.

After a few minutes of trying to calm myself down, I finally came to my senses and realised the thunderstorm outside. I slowly got up from the floor where I was struggling earlier and balanced myself.

Lightning striked again.

Quietly walking towards the window almost stumbling as I was still weak. I unlocked the window as I was curious of how heavy the rain was outside today.

It's been raining heavily for the past few weeks here in Tokyo, like non-stop raining. I know it's like from the movie "Weathering with you" but I swear I thought it was just from the movie, I never really believed that Tokyo weather is this crazy. 

I thought that I was the long lost Sunshine girl and pretty much tried to stop the rain, but bro my heart beat almost stopped because I almost got hit by a lightning. Yep, I am so not the Sunshine girl and I am so not gonna try that again.

The news did said that we're going to be experiencing an abnormal weather for a few weeks, but I never knew it would turn out this way.

I'm scared that Tokyo might sink because of this crazy weather, and I ain't ready for that experience.

I just got here 3 weeks ago and I was expecting a sunny and nice vacation here, I am so disappointed. All I did here was cook, order food, and basically stay at home.

I really wanted to enjoy my stay here but I get asthma attacks a lot and it attacks at night which sucks so much because I only get a few hours of sleep.

Sometimes it gets worst when I get nightmares or I get depressed. It hurts when I cry like literally, chest pains and nose bleeding.

I pity myself sometimes and I kept asking "what did I do to deserve such pain?" It's not only me who suffers, also my friends and family.

Growing up, I never had asthma or any health issues. I was a healthy, energetic, and a sugar fed kid. All of this started '10 years ago'.

I slowy opened the window, strong wind and heavy rain touched the carpeted floor sending goosebumps all over my body because the wind was too cold.

My hair flowing with the strong wind as it made it's way inside my apartment. I hurriedly close the window because the rain was getting more and more heavy.

This kind of moment is very rare so I might as well risk it all. Who cares if I get rushed to the hospital right?

Looking at myself through the big mirror, I didn't need to change my outfit to be honest, I was still wearing the same outfit as yesterday because I fell asleep after going to the mall near my apartment. I just went to buy clothes and went grocery shopping .

I'm wearing an over sized black shirt paired with black jeans.

I'm gonna enjoy this weather just this once, I wanted to this ever since I suffered from depression. 'Going for a stroll without any umbrella while its raining ft.Lany songs'.

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