J-Hope: Tragic and Hope

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'Tragic moments does happen to every people and of course including me, but the tragic moment that i had is worst but i had my secret weapon with me'

Past memories can be happy and memorable but some of us experienced a horrible situation that can leave a big scar in our minds.

Remembering those horrible moment that happened in your past life is really terrible, because it can cause a mental depression. But some of us can be lucky and overcome it just like what happened to me.

'6 years ago'

"Mom!!" I shouted while carrying a giant laundry pile.

"Mom?" I shouted again confused because the house is so quiet that you can hear every little sounds that comes out.

I dropped all the laundry piles on our couch when i heard a crying and screaming sounds upstairs. Not wasting anytime i quickly ran up the stairs in a speed of lightning.

I can hear a woman's voice. 

"Please s-stop this i-i didn't do a-anything" then i heard a whipping sound.

"Mom please be okay" I whispered while gently opening the door.

I was shocked when i saw a scenario that i never wanted in my whole entire life.

"D-dad what-what is h-happening he-here...." I was really nervous of what dad is going to do with the knife his holding towards my mom.

I saw my mom's eyes it's really puffy and her whole body is filled with cuts that i think it's from the knife that my dad is holding. 

"Y/N, we're in the middle o-of some-something can y-you go out for a s-second p-please" My mom said while wiping her tears and smiled at me.

"O-okay mo-mom" I slowly closed the door and quickly went to my room

This has been happening for 2 months. When i get home from my job i hear my mom crying and my dad shouting. My mom always says everything is okay and they just had a misunderstanding, but i really think something is wrong.

I badly want to help with my mom and dad's problem but they always say it's adult business, So what am i a kid? I'm 22 for God's sake! They can't even recognize that i'm already an adult.

Well i got my own world here in my room. I work as a Nurse in a famous hospital in Seoul so i always come home late. I also didn't think of having my own apartment because i'm worried of my mom because of what dad might do to her.

Being a nurse is really helpful because my mom always has bruises,cuts,scratches when i come home so i'm like a personal nurse of my mom.

I'm really worried of leaving my mom alone when i have to work because my mom get's lonely or my dad might try to do something horrible again.

I heard my door opened so i turned my head to see who it is.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked worriedly when i saw a lot of bruises on her arms and legs.

"I'm okay Y/N, but please just s-stay away from our fight. I don't want you to get hurt too" My mom pulled me into a hug.

"I'm just really worried mom i don't want to see you having these bruises everyday" I said hugging her tightly.

"I'll get the med kit mom, you stay here okay?" I said and closed the door.

While i was in the middle of the stairs i heard a woman's voice with........ my dad? I quickly hid so they won't see me. 

(A/N: John cena hahahhaha .....ok i'll stop)

"Just leave your ugly family and go to America with me" The woman said in a flirty voice.

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