Steve x Soda 1

71 3 1

Prompt: Soda making a goofy face until Steve notices and laughs.


Loud, that was one way to describe the Curtis family home during the weekend. The whole gang was over, and they were loud, mostly due to Two-Bit's jokes and actions.

This was the kind of scene Sodapop Curtis was born to be in, the amount of social activity and action was a heavenly thing to him. However, to Steve Randel at the moment, it seemed to be an annoyance. Ever since that morning, he had a horrible headache that did not want to go away; he didn't have anything to drink last night, no, it just happened when he woke up. It was like the universe didn't want him to wake up today.

Steve sat on the old couch, leaning on the armrest, as Two-Bit jumped around like an unruly toddler next to him. Being next to the primary source of the loud noise didn't help his headache, but he sure as hell was too stubborn to get up and leave--the rest of the gang would probably be on his back for doing that. He typically piped in during Two-Bit's stories and rambles, nobody seemed to notice that he wasn't his usual self. Well, except for Sodapop.

The middle Curtis noticed Steve's unusual behavior. He has a way of picking up on these things, especially with Steve, his cru-best friend. Sodapop quieted down, not that anyone noticed anyway due to the man sitting next to Steve, and stared intensely at his crush, er... not crush, his friend. Yes, his friend. His stare became more intense every minute the other greaser didn't notice him. Soon he started making small movements and faces to him.

It started with a small wave to catch his attention, didn't work. Bowing his head down to give him a goofy face, didn't work. He even started to tap his foot loudly, did not work. Soda even started to step his way closer to Steve; he didn't even notice that. His face burned with a small amount of frustration and a scowl formed on his handsome face.

He ran an angry hand through his lightly greased hair, and he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye. It was Steve; he was staring at him with a confused stare, that got his attention? You have to be kidding. Soda rolled his eyes at the boy and pulled a goofy face, causing Steve to chuckle, then laugh. And he laughed loudly; the other guys quieted down staring at the laughing male. His laughter made Soda blush in slight embarrassment and shuffled away some, not wanted to be seen as the reason for the sudden outburst from the other greaser.

Steve eventually did quiet down and had questions following the decrescendo of noise. He merely shoved the questions away a small blush on his pale-ish cheeks. The noise then went back to "normal", meaning back to being noisy, like a band classroom before a concert, except there weren't any instruments.

The two males did make eye contact once more. Soda gave Steve a cocky grin, and this time it was Steve's turn to roll his eyes, a heavier blush clouding up his face. Blush also made its way to Soda's face, and he walked over to Steve and slapped a hand onto the boy's jean-clad back, causing the other to wince.

The two boys ended up sitting rather close to each other after that, Steve's headache now finally fading away, he was able to enjoy the company of the others, more specifically, Soda's.

586 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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