A Baby Carrot (18)

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Ahhhh yes. Your FAVORITE author has updated once again in hopes to appease her darling book worms. 

Enjoy the chapter wormies <3



Other than the whole challenging incident, lunch went smoothly.

Yeah, not really.

Since it was so frigid out, students opted to stay indoors and stare through the windows rather than come outside and pester us. I don't blame them though, I mean, these boys are just crazy good looking and rich judging by their clothes and accessories. I can almost smell the few grand Gabriel spent on his diamond earrings and the Gucci shoes Victor is sporting.

My eyes cross at the sight of an orange carrot being shoved in my face. I focus on the assailant and follow the big tan arm all the way up to deep sea blue eyes.

Silas and I continue to stare at each other until I reach up and grab the carrot from his massive hand. He gives me a tiny twinkle of a smile, happy that I accepting his baby carrot offering. My cheeks start to burn and I snap my eyes down to the carrot I was given.

I know Silas doesn't know what this means for me. For someone to willingly offer me food that they themselves need is beyond the nicest thing anyone has done for me. I wasn't given anything as a child, and when I did, I always had to do something in return.

The cost was always too much.

I look back at Silas and notice a frown on his usual calm face. I hate making others frown especially, if I know it's because of me.

The words mumble out of my mouth before I can stop them and the whole table freezes.

"What was that, Sang?" Kota alarmingly questions. I just stare at him with a blank face. It's too late to shove the words back into my mouth and I curse my lose lips.

This school is defiantly cursed if it has me talking with no filter.

No one speaks a word as they continue to gawk at me. My knuckles start to turn white as I squeeze the carrot in my hand. With a tone so chilling, North bit out " She...said 'What...do I... have to do...in return'."

My eyes snap to find a furious North. His mouth turns into a hard line like he's trying his damn hardest to keep from hulking out on the poor picnic table. The feel of Gabriel's hands upon my shoulders has me jump and he quickly retracts them.

"Trouble," he starts, "listen to me, you don't ever have to do a damn thing in return for any shit we give you."

I crane my head back about to argue, but seeing the hurt and sorrow in his eyes has me pause.

Does he really mean that?

Taking the chance, I survey the table to find everyone looking at me with the same heartfelt look in their eyes. With great effort, North gives me an encouraging slant of his tight lips. Kota looks up from his furious typing on his phone to give me an approving not of his head. Luke and Victor give me gloomy grins.

Even Nathans eyes turn less hate filled.

Well, I guess I have my answer.

With determination I stare into Silas's eyes and pop the entire carrot into my mouth.

Bam, bithces, look at me now, taking food from strangers. Mommy and daddy would have an absolute fit.

With the crunch of the carrot, everyone goes back to their semi normal conversations. Except for Kota who seems to me still glued to his phone. By the way he's trying to discreetly keep vigil on me has me suspicious of what and who he's texting.

I don't like that one bit.

Kota's POV

I continue to glance at Sang as she hesitantly accepts carrots from Silas. North got up about a minute ago and kicked Luke out of the seat next to her so he could better share his cucumbers with her.

Sighing, I continue texting the group text with Mr. B, Sean, and Mr. Toma and Mark. I give them the full report of my observations with Sang and how she is fitting in with our team so far. I also don't fail to mention the tell-tale signs of drastic physical and mental abuse.

Mr. B: Continue to keep an eye on her Mr. Lee, we will have a team meeting after lunch in the usual spot.

 Dr. Green: Poor Pookie! Make sure to watch her back for any more signs of it giving    physical stress on her body. Give me a call if she has another episode. I still need to get a better look at it. Ttyl, gotta attend to a bloody nose <3

Mr. Toma: I'll bring her painting to the meeting.

Mark: Painting? And what's up with her back doc? All this drama with one little girl who I haven't even met yet. She sounds like trouble.

You have no idea.

Sang's POV

When the bell finally rings signaling the end of lunch, the boys slowly pack up their lunches. North doesn't budge as he continues to sit next to me now trying to force spinach leaves into my mouth. I shake my head hoping he gets the message.

After a full bag of carrots, some cucumber slices, and a small ham roll up, I have never been more full. Literally. I'm used to always being hungry.

North gives me a grumpy scowl as I get up from my seat. I can't understand why he's trying to stuff me like a Thanksgiving turkey, but I appreciate his generosity.


The rest of the day was uneventful. I didn't see the boys again after lunch, but didn't think much of it. I need time to process everything anyway.

I did find it odd, however, that both my Music and Japanese classes had substitutes because of a last minute family emergency both teachers apparently had. My gym class was also cancelled. Something about a crazy Russian pulling a gun on the principal demanding that gym class be cancelled or something. It's just a rumor, but having already bumped into the crazy Russian gym teacher, it isn't that unbelievable.

I don't even question the gun part since apparently teachers can get away with everything in this school. Especially sexual harassment, courtesy of my 'Creepy-pedo-untrustworthy-never be caught in the same room alone with' Psychology teacher.

Yup, defiantly going to need some snuggled up in a comfy corner with a good book time with Lilah.

My heart lurches when I think about my lover boys again. I used snuggle with them and read for hours.

I slam my locker after grabbing my backpack and check out a few books from the library to bring back with me. I feel terrible for leaving Lilah alone all day, so I plan to stop in town on my way back to pick up some chicken to cook for him and grab some groceries.

Exhausted, I begin my second adventure of the day.



Hey there good lookin...

yeah you...

wanna give this chapter a star and follow me? <3


How u leave me on read when you can't even answer wtf.


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