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"Are you kidding me Maya?" Coach growled as I sat on the sideline, head down in shame. "I honestly don't care how good of a football player you are, you keep this up and you won't be playing a single snap this year!"

I didn't make eye contact with him, I was too ashamed. Instead I could feel my head just sinking lower.

Coach took a seat next to me on the bench. "Look," he began, his tone much softer this time. "I know what you're going through, I know how you must feel. But, I also know the kind of person and kid you are and the way you're acting right now isn't how you usually act."

"I know," I mumbled.

"I know you know. And I know what you can and can't handle and this is definitely something you can handle."

Coach leaned in a little closer to me. "A secret between you and me?"


"You're definitely a better player than Luke," he whispered.

"Really? You think so?" I asked, feeling a little better.

"Definitely, but you gotta straighten up and start figuring it out before it's too late."

"You're right Coach, I got this," feeling better, I stood up, ready to get back to work.

"You're right Coach, I got this," feeling better, I stood up, ready to get back to work

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a u t h o r ' s   n o t e

I wanted to take the time to thank each & every one of you for your patience with my uploading & also provide you all with a little life/story update! I resumed school in January & to say I've been overwhelmed is an understatement! Between school, working a lot, & being sick, I have been very preoccupied & focused on feeling better, doing well in school & honestly just working a lot! Although I love writing & love this story, those three things are obviously my priorities & will always come first. Hence, why I haven't published anything new in so long! I will continue to upload here & there when I have the time & energy to do so! I want to thank you all for the overwhelming support with this series & your constant patience & understanding! It means the world to me!! I'll be updating again, soon!

 Hence, why I haven't published anything new in so long! I will continue to upload here & there when I have the time & energy to do so! I want to thank you all for the overwhelming support with this series & your constant patience & understanding!...

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True Test | Girl Football Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now