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sunshinesupport: hey angels, what's up? how are you guys? my exams are over in a week, and honestly I'm super relieved. I talked to my parents, and im allowed to take a gap year next year, so I'll be going to Spain pretty soon, which is pretty exciting for me. And yes I'm taking ghoul I dont care how much it costs ty.
My DMs are always open if you need some help ♡


Username1: painting is great even though I fucking suck

Username2: were you stressed about your exams?
sunshinesupport: stressed doesnt even begin to cover it, tbh. there's so much pressure on students now, and the grades are so much harder to achieve with the altering difficulty of the papers in current years. But, I tried my best and that's all thay matters to me:)

Username3: yes take ghoul pls and can we have more ghoul content
sunshinesupport: 100% JUST WAIT LEMME TAKE SOME PICS

Username4: where in Spain are you going?
sunshinesupport: This city called Alicante. My parents have a place right near the beach there. its amazing:)

Username5: this comment section is too wholesome huh

Username6: I'm so happy for you!!
sunshinesupport: thank you ! I'm honestly really glad my parents let me take time off. I'm not really sure /what/ I want to do right now and I'm happy to take some time off and focus on myself:)

Username7: ily

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