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Waking up on grass is not pleasant, Awsten decides as he blinks his eyes open and feels a consistent itch against his leg. Carefully, he stretches out one side of the towel and positions himself so he's fully laying on it, before turning around and paying attention to the small sleeping body in front of him. He gently puts his arm back over Geoff's torso and shuffles closer, inhaling the smell of chlorine and the faint scent of vanilla.

Not long after, Geoff begins to stir and he let's out a quiet yawn as he stretches.

"Morning." Awsten smiles down at him as Geoff turns to face him.

"Hey." Geoff blushes and looks away, hiding his face in the ground.

"Aw don't be shy," Awsten grins and pulls Geoff closer. Geoff just squirms and pulls away, pouting at the other.

"I am not shy. Shut up." He mumbles and stands up. "Ew I smell like pool."

"Oh well it's not like you swam in a pool just hours ago." Awsten shrugs but stands up too, picking up the towel and folding it quickly. "Where's the other one?"

Geoff laughs and points at the pool where the other towel is stuck to the steps.

"How the fuck did it get there i-? Whatever." Awsten sighs and picks it up, grimacing at the feel of it.

"I'll carry it if you want me to." Geoff offers.

"No it'll break you."

"Right suck my dick then." The brunette replies and runs up the stairs to the gate, quickly jumping over it.

"Keep it pg, you're like 12!" Awsten shouts and walks up the steps, then pushes the door open and shuts it gently.

"I am not 12."

"You look 12."

"Fuck off."


"No I didn't mean it now follow me." Geoff sighs and grabs Awstens arm, dragging him to lift. He quickly touches the '8' button and stands in the corner, meanwhile Awsten is (unsuccessfully) trying to wrap the dry towel around the wet one to avoid dripping. "You're a dumbass." Geoff laughs and takes them in his hands just as the elevator dings signaling their arrival. The doors slide open and he hands Awsten a key.

"Which door?" Awsten asks.

"Both." Geoff shrugs and kicks his knee up to get a better grip on the fabric.

"Both? What the fuck how big is your motherfucking apartment.

"Uselessly big because my parents are stupid and thought they'd have enough guests for it but they don't."

"Uh, okay." Awsten unlocks the door and holds it open for the brunette, who giggles.

"Thank you sir." He makes his way to the balcony and drops the towels on the ground, deciding he can clean them up later.

"Bro what the fuck?" Awsten whispers.


"Your living room is as big as our whole ass apartment what the fuck."

"You guys should have moved in with me not gonna lie." Geoff smiles. "Wait! Hold up!" He quickly runs through another door and down the hall, skidding into his bedroom. Awsten follows and walks into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. "One second..." Geoff whispers as he shuffles around. Awsten is about to ask what's going on but he just 'aw's' as he sees the small duckling in Geoff's hands.

"This is ghoul." He smiles and runs a finger over the ducklings small head. "You can hold him if you'd like." Awsten nods violently and Geoff gently hands him over, making sure his little legs are securely on Awstens palm. Hesitantly, Awsten mirrors Geoffs previous movement and runs a finger along him.

"He's so much cuter than I thought he'd be." Awsten grins as he gets more comfortable with petting him.

"He's the cutest I'm so glad I got him." Geoff smiles and jumps up onto the bed, moving next to Awsten.

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