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The rattle of the letter box sent Jawn rushing to the door, more so in an anxious manner rather than an excited one. His attempt to collect the letters was unsuccessful, resulting in them falling again and his shaking to resume. Otto chuckled and kissed his shoulder gently, placing his hand on top of his boyfriends in order to calm him down. It was a simple gesture, but it worked.

Awsten picked up the envelopes, careful not to crease them because he knew his redheaded friend wasn't particularly fond of that. The curly haired boy smiled thankfully at him and wrapped his arm around Jawn's waist so that he could gently lead him back into the living room. The purple haired boy sat on the sofa next to theirs and placed the letters onto the table.

"There's no need to be stressed you guys." He smiled at them. "Even if we don't get it, we have each other and so many other options; okay?" He handed them out correspondingly. "But that doesn't matter cause we're getting in or else I'll fucking sue."

"I'm imagining Awsten in court and it's,, interesting to say the least." Otto commented, playing with Jawn's hair and trying to open up the envelope with the other.

"Fuck you I'd be so good in court. I look bomb in a suit."

"I bet you do." Jawn laughed quietly and fumbled with the paper despite his heavy dislike for the outcome.

"I do!" Awsten protested. "Do you want to see pictures?"

"It's not like your mom hasnt shown us every picture of you that's ever existed." Otto shrugged.

"Shut up." The taller boy huffed and grabbed his own letter. "Now c'mon let's open this shit cause the suspense is killing me."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"I'm not a cat."

"You're whiny like one."

"Fuck you." He grabbed a pair of blue scissors from the coffee table and opened them up, then gently ran the edge along the paper. Once the opening was good enough, he passed the scissors to Otto and Jawn so that they could repeat the action. Once all three were ready, he began to countdown from three, taking deep breaths each time in a mock attempt to build some sort of shitty suspense.

"And...one." He gripped the letter and pulled it out. All three of them stared at each other before hastily opening them up. Jawn had begun shaking lightly again, and Otto was quick to rub circles into his thigh.

"I got in." Awsten whispered, placing the letter on the table. He couldn't believe what he'd read. His work wasn't the worst, he was usually quite proud of it but he never expected to be accepted into such a, for a lack of words, prestige school.

"Yeah? Me too." Otto folded the paper and threw it on top of Awsten's. "What about you bub?"

"Y-yeah I did." The redhead smiled, his teeth beginning to gently poke out from behind his lips. Otto grinned and kissed his temple.

"I'm proud of you angel." He gushed. Awsten made a fake gagging sound and coughed.

"You're making me feel single again guys this is bullying."

"What about Geoff?" Otto smirked.

"Oh my God I've got to tell Geoff!" Awsten frantically grabbed for his phone and opened Instagram.

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