The new kid

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(Y/n) POV
It was a typical morning for school and I was definitely not ready. After last night's candy hunting me and Storm came back home, tired as hell. So here I am readying for school and as soon as I finished left there and walked to the cafe nearest to my college. I ordered a bagel and a cup of vanilla coffee. After I left the cafe with my bagel eaten and my coffee in hand I walked into the campus and sat down under a tree that provided enough shade for me and read a book. After what seemed like twenty minutes a guy came up to me. He had blue hair tied up, I'm guessing when it's down he reaches his shoulders. He wore glasses and looked more or less new. Since I haven't seen him around before. He smiled at me


I smiled back, "Hi hi"

He sat next to me.

"So umm what's your name?"

"It's (Y/n). What's yours?"

"Ca-.....ehem I mean Christopher"

He nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his head. I just found this quite funny.

"Nice to meet you Christopher"


Christopher and I talked for the rest of the morning about practically everything. He's new to the area and lives with his dad and has no siblings. I told him about my life as well. But what got our conversation upgraded was the fact that he's into manga and anime and videogames!!! I was shocked and for some reason extremely happy probably because I've never met anyone with that liking of anime and manga. I've met people who are interested in videogames but never anime and manga. We practically talked about our favorite anime and I fangirled.  The bell rang signaling the start of class. We got up and walked to our first class which was biology. Christopher introduced himself to the class and I can sense the flirty energy of the girls in the class. It annoyed me highly due to the point that he's new and also he doesn't look interested! Anyhow he came back and took his seat next to me as class began.

Candypop's POV
So far everything is going smoothly. I thought she would've gotten suspicious because I nearly revealed my real name but she just laughed a little at it. She told me about her life and I did as well but made a few changes stating that I live with my "dad" and I'm the only child. I didn't tell her about the others though not did she ask about any extended family. When I mentioned anime she fangirled and this made me laugh. She's also into manga and videogames. Our conversation was going well but bell rang so we head to class. I believed our first class is biology. The teacher called me up and asked me to introduce myself after my introduction I saw from the corner of my eye that girls were just looking at me and in a sort of flirtatious way which was annoying. I could tell (Y/n) sensed it to because she was annoyed as well.
Class felt like it was never going to end but the bell rang signaling the end after Fifty minutes of sitting there learning about body systems. I nearly fell asleep about five times and I woke up each time due to (Y/n) waking me up. We walked out of class and headed to our next class, literature. After what seemed like months it was finally lunch. I wanted to get pizza but (Y/n) wanted to just go to the cafe. I protested and she sighed and gave in after I kept protesting for an hour. We walked out of the campus and went to the nearest pizza restaurant which was a ten minute walk. She only ate two pizzas as I ate possibly five or more. We walked back to campus and soon enough the day ended and she was preparing to walk back home. I offered to walk with her since it was pretty late I mean the sun was already setting. She didn't reject it so I walked her home.
The walk home was silent at first but then we started talking.



"Do you know what creepypasta is?"

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