The plan and The Jester

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Jason's POV

As I sat down in my workshop, working on a little nutcracker I was making, I got myself in a daze. It was Halloween and i expected Candy to come and ask me to go with him since I knew his sister was busy. But he didn't. I think it was because of what happened last time, need to deal with that kid sooner or later. LJ is usually in the mood to trick or treat but he didn't go this time because the guys wanted him to tag along for drinks. Yes, they were planning on getting drunk tonight. I didn't join them since I don't find the point in drinking. It just means waking up with a serious headache the next morning. Also I don't handle alcohol very well. Let's just say I go a little crazy........TOO crazy. So here I am occupying myself with a nutcracker. As I finished it, I kicked my feet up on my working desk and leaned back in my chair with my hat covering my face. I had nothing else to do so why not sleep. Just then I heard footsteps. I bolted up and walked out of my workshop to see who's there. Probably one of the guys since Candy would come back in around midnight. But to my surprise, walking in my direction with the most serious and concentrated face I've ever seen was Candy himself. What. The. Fudgesticks. ITS FRIGGIN 10PM WHY IS HE HOME SO EARLY!!! But what's even more concerning is that look on his face. I've never seen him that serious before. It also looked like he was thinking about something. He walked right passed me and into his room. I decided to walk in as well and find out what's going on with him. I walked in his room.

" Candy. Why are you home so early? You're usually out later than that. Is there something wrong?"

He looked at me and looked away afterwards sighing. "Jason, I need your honest advice on something important"

"Sure Candy, what is it?"

"What's your thoughts on women?"


"I mean yeah there is Jane, clockwork, Jill and April but what about human women"

I was actually pretty dumbfounded at the moment. I mean since when were you interested in women? The last girl I ever liked is a wax doll in my workshop closet. Then again there are fangirls that will literally scream if they see me. Oh and pertaining to Candy's interest he has never had none. Not a single girl he liked. He only cared about games and food. But now he's into women? I think I'm dreaming. I pinched myself to see  if I was actually dreaming. I wasn't. Candy took note of this and looked at me rather strangely.

"If you think you're dreaming you're not"

"Yep. Just realized that. But seriously Candy, since when were you interested in anyone of the female gender. All you ever cared about was food and games and most importantly, SLEEP. Even when one of the girls confessed to you, you would straight down reject them and only say you see them as a friend. Heck! we even thought you were gay once!"

" I'm not and also it started from tonight"

His eyes went sort of soft, his lips curled into some sort of smile. His current expression read lovesick. I mentally facepalmed. But he's my friend so I decided to help him.

"Alright. Tell me about this girl"

"Huh? Oh well you see she bumped into my chest while I was walking and swimming around in my own thoughts. She started to apologise a lot which got me slightly irritated but I forgave her. And then she walked off."

"Ok...tell me what does she look like"

" Let's see.....she looked fun sized".

"Fun sized?"

"A new word Ben told me about."

"Expected. Continue."

"She had (h/l) (h/c) and was in casual clothing, just supervising her brother since he was trick or treating. She also had (e/c). Those eyes had an innocent look to them. To me she was.....what's that word again?"


"Yeah perfect"

His face went back to that same lovesick expression. I sighed knowing that the guy that didn't care about anything actually fell in love with a girl during trick or treating. And the main part about it is that he just spoke with her once! A mere exchange of words and he's head over heels for her.

"Did I forget to say her voice was mesmerising? Because it truly is."

This time I actually facepalmed.

"Why did you facepalm? Did I say something wrong?"

"Look Candy, you just, how to put it, you just can't fall in love with someone who you just met. It's completely unreasonable. You barely know the girl and you are in love with her!? How can you not see this!? She probably likes another guy or something."

At that moment as soon as those words left my mouth, I knew I fudged up. He gave me the most intensifying glare I've ever seen in my entire life from him. This is not the Candy I know. Which means he's totally serious about this. But what came out of his mouth didn't really scare me but sent a chill up my spine.

"Don't you ever say that about her again. If any guy touches her they will be dead the next day"

Oh he also said it in a voice of pure anger.

"Ok ok calm down. So what were you thinking about when you walked in?"

" A plan to observe her but up close"

" Explain to me that plan"

"Ok so I'm deciding to attend her college for maybe some weeks and learn a bit about her and she'll learn a bit more about me and no need to worry I've already found out which college she goes to while I was on my way back"

"Something tells me you weren't exactly quote on quote on your way back"

"... maybe"

" how can I help"

"Make me look like a normal college student"



He jumped for joy as soon as those words left my mouth. Well at least he's happy but also tonight's gonna be a long night because there is a lot of work to do on Candy for him to look normal.

Candypop's POV

•the next day•

Alright I'm ready and fully prepared for my first day at college. I'm so excited! Soon enough I'll be in the same room and building as that girl. Also my appearance changed a little. Jason cut my hair up to my shoulders so I would look like one of those emo kids. Currently it's tied up. He gave me something to drink that would make my ears look normal and I had to remove my my usual face attire and replace it with glasses. I had a on a white t-shirt with the proxy symbol on it, a black jacket over it, black jeans and some sneakers along with a backpack. He registered me as Christopher Alan. Yes I know it's sorta weird. Jason also placed himself as my legal guardian. That would be weird calling him dad when he comes in to see teachers. Walking into the compound, I immediately saw her. She was sitting by herself reading a book. I approached her and gave her a smile as I said hello.

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