My girl

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Candypop's POV
I was only able to catch 3 hours of sleep due to what night terror told me. From then till morning I was thinking of all possible ways I can to get rid of him. Once and for all. I heard a knock coming from the door,

"Come in"

Jay opened the door and walked in with a brown paper bag closing the door shut behind him.

"Hey Candy....I'm sorry about what me and LJ told you"

"It's fine. Although I have a strong urge to punch you now. I mean seriously why must I date a psychopath?"

"Candy we're all insane here. As a matter a fact insane is an understatement we are way past that."

"Good point. But I'm not getting together with April. Not now, not ever"

"It was just some food for thought. Anyway I got ya something"

He threw the bag towards me before pulling a chair and sitting down. I caught the bag and opened it. Inside it contained a burger and fries.

"You brought me comfort food?"

"You could say. It's your favorite isn't it? Besides you seemed stressed"

"Meh. Thanks"

I removed the wrapper and took a bite out of the burger. Jay took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. This suprised me greatly,

"Woah woah WOAH. Since when were you a smoker?"

"Since last week. I know it's not like me to smoke but sometimes my victims can be so damn stressful and playing with puppets or building something wasn't helping anymore"

"I see. Oh well at least it's better than drinking"

"At least"

He began smoking it, blowing puffs of smoke into the air. I continued to eat my burger in silence. About two minutes passed before Jay asked,

"Now tell me what else is stressing you out"

I was done with my burger by then and slowly munched on my fries.

"It's...Night Terror. He's back"

"The hell? I thought when Slender gave you that weird liquid to drink that cancelled him out!?"

"Well whatever it was, it was only temporary. He's planning on hurting Y/n, that fucking bastard"

"Huh. Well we need to report this to Slender. He did say if any casualties happen to inform him about it."

I picked up my phone and checked the time before shutting it off. It's 4 am. I got off of the bed after finishing the last of my fries and decided to get ready so I'll meet y/n on the way. As a surprise that is. Jay finished smoking the cig and got up to dispose of it.

"Don't let that become an addiction Jay"

"I know. Besides this is the second time I've smoked. I'm sticking to one cigarette a week anyway get ready for school, I'll meet you this afternoon at 4pm to go to Slender's."

"Got it"

With that he left the room as I got ready. I noticed my hair grew a little longer. This time a little way pass my shoulders on my upper back. I brushed it and tied it up and began to get ready.

(Outfit for the day)

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(Outfit for the day)

After getting dressed and tying up my hair into a bun, I packed my bags and grabbed my phone before jumping through the portal and landing on the street y/n lives in. It was on the way to the college so why not. I pulled out my phone and texted her

"Coming over to pick you up"

I shut off my phone, shoved it in my pocket and adjusted my bag on my back before walking down the street towards her house.

Y/n's POV
I got up around 4am and walked around the house for a bit for officially getting ready at 4:30.

(Your outfit for the day)

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(Your outfit for the day)

I left my hair down and just brushed it before picking up my bag and going downstairs into the kitchen. My mom was awake and having breakfast already. I made toast and kissed her on her cheek and then left the house to begin my walk. My phone was in my pocket. I didn't really check it. I stopped to tie one of my shoe laces that were untied. When I stood back up I felt two pairs of arms wrapping around me and lifting me off the ground. I screamed before I was turned around in the pair of arms and met face to face with a very happy Chris. I giggled and punched his chest lightly.

"You scared me back there! What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well I decided to surprise you with walking with you this morning"

I smiled as he let go of my placing me on the ground. I took note of what he was wearing finding him very hot in it. My cheeks became tinted in pink as I hoped he didn't notice.

Candypop's POV
After putting her down, although I didn't want to, I noticed what she was wearing. Damn she looked really really beautiful in it. I bit my bottom lip as I looked at her. Her cheeks were pink but the minute she saw my face it became more red. I chuckled and held her hand in mine,

"Alright then. Let's go, we wouldn't want to be late"

Not that we were going to be. It's still pretty early. She nodded,her face still red. I chuckled again as we walked together hand in hand. I pulled her closer to me and smiled. Everyone who saw us knew she was my girl...but just not yet.
Ok so I Know what you guys are thinking:

'What the hell? Jason doesn't smoke!'

Yes I am very aware of that. As a matter a fact I'm just trying something if you have a problem with it tell me. Also sorry for disappearing for a while. With COVID-19 going around, I've been busy in my own home. But I will try to be more active

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