Glad you came

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After coming home from dinner with Johnny, I waved him good bye as he went home. I walked into my house and locked the door, my parents aren't home yet since everything is in the places I left them. My stomach was filled and that bought sleep in my eyes, As I approached my room and went in my phone began to ring. I picked it up and answered it not bothering to see who it was, I'll just tell them I'm a little tired and that I'll talk to them tomorrow. That was my plan until I heard his voice,

"Hey Y/N how are you?"

I froze. Was this Chris?

"H-hey there. May I ask who this is?"

The voice responded "This is Chris remember, the guy with blue hair who you're friends with"

Holy shit it is Chris!

"Oh heheh sorry I'm just a little sleepy at the moment"

"Oh. Well if you want we can talk to-"

"No no it's fine. I'll be right back just stay on"

I heard an ok and then quickly got into sleepwear and ran downstairs to get coffee. And I know what you're thinking Why am I not wanting to sleep anymore? Well it's simple this is my first phone call with Chris and I'm not gonna let it slip by. Usually if it was Johnny I would've already been sleeping but this is Chris and I'm usually like this with all first phone calls with my friends. I ran back upstairs into my room and plopped onto the bed with my coffee in my hand as I picked up back the phone.

"Im back. Sorry for taking a bit"

"No no it's fine. Anyway what were you doing?"

"I was having dinner with Johnny. We went for burgers"

I heard I small chuckle before he continued "That's good. I had pizza"

"Oooooo. I actually heard of a pizza hijack from a group that was next to me when I was in line for my burger."

The phone went silent for a while, "Oh heheh I see"

"Something wrong Chris"

"Nope. Just found it weird as to why hijack a pizza guy when you can simply order or make your own pizza"

I laughed at his statement. It's quite true but funny at the same time.

Candypop's POV
Sometimes it's quite unbelievable at how fast word gets around. Seriously unbelievable. I heard her laugh afterwards which in turn made me smile, not that I was a nervous mess about this from the beginning. Anyway an hour or so passed and we were still talking until I heard a knock coming from my room door, "Candy you in there?" It was Ben. I panicked not knowing what to do. I responded "What is it?" Ben continued "Sally and I are leaving now to go back see ya around" I said "Alright bye" and continued to talk to y/n. I heard her yawn after another hour and chuckled, " you should head off to bed now"

" But I don't wanna"

She put on her most childish voice as she said that.

" But you're tired"

"No. I'm not sleeping"

Her childish voice was still there and I realized she was being stubborn.

"Hmmm I see. Then what must I do for you to sleep"

"Hmmmmmm. Sing to me"

I froze. Did she just say sing to her? Ok now I'm definitely nervous.

"S-sing to you? I don't think I can do that"

"Oh come on Chris I'm sure you're not all that bad"

I was hesitant about it but eventually gave in.

"Fine but promise me that you would sleep after"


I had a song in mind that I listen to but only out of boredom but I think this song might work.

"Here goes nothing" i breathed a sigh and started

"The sun goes down, the stars come out. And all that counts is here and now. My universe will never be the same-"

"I'm glad you came I'm glad you came"

I heard a giggle on the other end and smiled. "Is that enough?"

"Yeah. I'm going to bed now"

"Ok goodnight"

"Good night"

I hung up and sighed. I had fun talking to her and well singing to her. I got up and walked passed my mirror to get something and that's when I paused and walked back to the mirror with my head down and eyes close. Please don't let it be him. Please don't let it be him. I raised my head and slowly opened my eyes to find myself face to face with Night Terror. His faced grimaced into a wicked smile as he looked at me. "I see you found a new snack for me" he said. I knew who he was talking about already, "She's not something for you to eat! Nor is she something you can use!" He chuckled darkly "Oh but I can Candy, you see we live in the same body. Just because you have full control now doesn't mean I'm gone. Also don't forget sooner or later I will be hungry and that girl's soul is already starting up an appetite" I glared at him. "Don't even think about having her as your full course meal. She's mine and I'm gonna make sure you don't have her" his chuckle turned into an echoing laughter. He disappeared shortly after but what he told me before he disappeared made me gasp in shock "Not everything will go your way. She will see who you truly are and then after that she'll hate like everyone else before now" I leaned against the wall and slid down. With my head in my hand I just started to shake uncontrollably. My anger was building up to the point where I will kill someone. How dare he!? That son of a bitch will regret his words one day and I will make sure to be the one to slit his throat open. If only I could separate him from my body then I won't have to worry about a thing. My mind ran back to y/n and what Night Terror said about her. Whatever it takes I must try my hardest to keep him away from her. I'll have Jason help me out with this first thing tomorrow. I got up from the ground and went back to my bed. I got under the covers and slowly but surely fell asleep.

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