Playdate, Pizza and Fun

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Candypop's POV
I ran out of my room and into the workshop where I found LJ, Jason, Sally and Ben. The moment I walked in the room everyone went quiet and LJ, Sally and Ben was watching me really weirdly I decided to break the silence. "Umm you guys ok? Why you looking at me like that?"

LJ responded "Well I didn't know you got a new hair cut. It suits you but you look different"
I looked at my hair almost forgetting I cut it. I decided to tie it up since I'm sweating from all the running I did to reach back here in time.
"So apart from waiting for me what else were you guys up to?"
Sally walked up to me "I was drawing and Ben was helping me!"she smiled and Ben then stood up and ruffled her hair. "It's all I can do since Jason took away my DS" He then glared at Jason who didn't even glance back at Ben but he knew Ben was glaring at him. "You came here to play with Sally, LJ, me and Candy. So whats the need for a game console" Ben growled but then went back to playing with Sally.

LJ looked at me "So Candy, what were you doing today?" I froze as I sat down on the sofa in Jason's workshop. "Well you see I was uuuhhh....I was on my own Mission!" LJ looked at me slightly confused as I noticed Jason facepalmed after I said that. Sally and Ben were still drawing not even paying attention. "So what's the secret Mission?" LJ asked. I was starting to sweat a lot more than when I was running "Well you seee ummm.....uhhh-" "Candy what nonsense are you talking about?" I looked at Jason who was looking at both me and LJ. "You didn't have a secret Mission. Remember I sent you to gather some supplies for my creations. Did you get them?" After hearing that I was glad I had a friend like Jason. I know this is his way of saving me so I decided to go with it. " I did they're in your room" LJ's confusion disappeared as I looked at both me and Jason and after a few seconds he smiled. "Alright then. So I'm starving. What do you say to hijacking a pizza delivery guy?" I smirked "I say count me in!!". I walked into my room and picked up my mallet and made sure to lock the door so Sally and Ben won't go in the room. Jason said he'll watch them while we're gone and with that we walked through the portal and out into the outskirts of a freeway and as if right on schedule a pizza delivery guy was coming down the road.

I sat in my home on my bed scrolling through my phone. My dad had a night shift at the station since he's doing a case and my mom is still at the office and should be home in the next 3 hours. I was starting to get hungry so I decided to order some take out. I'm usually in a pizza mood but not tonight, so I called Johnny and when he picked up the phone, he sounded sleepy.


"Hey Johnny it's (y/n) I was wondering if you would like to go with me to get dinner. Don't worry I'll be paying for the meal."

"Well I guess so. I mean I was asleep a while ago but I won't mind just give me 10 minutes I'll be there"

"Ok. I'll see ya then"

"Yep" afterwards he hanged up.

I got dressed and sat in the living room waiting for Johnny to come over. 10 minutes later I heard a knock on my door and when I opened the door it was none other than Johnny.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded in agreement.

We walked out of the door and took my car and drove off towards a fast food restaurant.

Candypop's POV
It didn't take long to hijack the guy and we'll make sure no traces were left behind...if you know what I mean. LJ and I walked back through the portal with the pizza and walked to the kitchen. Jason, Sally and Ben were already there waiting. We opened up both boxes as everyone grabbed and ate. Afterwards, Sally and Ben went to Jason's play room he had for his victims and I remained with LJ and Jason. Suddenly LJ said"So Candy I heard something about you" I froze. Has he found out about (y/n)? Does he know that Jason's helping? A million questions ran through my mind and I glanced at Jason from the corner of my eye. His composure seemed calm but I can tell from the way his fundling with his fingers that he's nervous. LJ continued "Cane told me not to tell you this and I'm sure she has alerted Jason already but what do you think of April?" I breathed a sigh of relief  and Jason calmed down. "What do I think of April? Hmmm well for one she's nice, really good cook, good person to talk to and hang out with. What else....I guess that's it" I smiled. LJ glanced at Jason before looking back at me. I knew what was coming next so did Jason. He was gonna ask me to date April as usual. Got the same question from everyone including April herself. Jeez they don't give up now don't they. LJ continued "Why don't you da-" "date April. Yeah I've been getting asked this question a lot the only person that understands and wouldn't ask me is Jay. But what im trying to figure out LJ is why are you and the others so persistent about me dating April?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair and folded my arms waiting for an answer. LJ paused for a minute and then collected himself before continuing "Well you see Candy since you rejected April yes she shows that you and her are still friends but we can see that she's not her usual self." I raised a brow this probably gave LJ the hint to continue. "Now I know saying insane is an understatement since we all are but let's just say her insane is more like that game Ben introduced you to. The one with the school girl from Japan?" I caught on quickly "yandere simulator?" "Yes that game! She's somewhat turning like that. The way how I linked her behavior to that is well because Jane has been looking out for her.  And we figured out it was linked to you because Everytime your name is said and she hears it, she kinda zone out and then exert back whatever is on her mind towards whoever is around her" I was starting to think this is a joke. I mean come on I know April has an insane side but I guarantee she's not that insane. LJ continued "the last person that was almost a victim of her attacks was your sister Cane. That's why she came to Jason the other day and told him about the plan she didn't mention the attack part because she knew you would get mad" You know that time when you want to believe it's a joke but it sounds to real especially with the serious face when someone is telling you it? Well these were one of those times. "You've gotta be fucking with me right now! I know April isn't that insane she's always been nice and friendly with Cane! She wouldn't harm Cane! I...i know she wouldn't." I looked down trying to figure out if its actually true. I broke out of my thinking when I heard Jason calling my name "Candy. He isn't lying. I decided not to tell you this due to the same reason but the other day, on Cane's hand, I saw marks. They were like bruises. She had bandages around both her wrist and when she was walking out...she tried to hide it with a strong composure but she was..." Silence greeted me after I looked at Jason "She was what Jay?" He stayed silent. I slammed my fist on the table and stood up "SHE WAS WHAT JAY!?" He looked up at me and said "She was limping Candy. Cane... was limping" I couldn't believe what I'm hearing right now. I left the kitchen and sped walk to my bedroom. No one didn't even dare stop me. Not even Ben and Sally that saw how pissed I was. I opened my room door and slammed the door shut locking it. I fell onto the bed and stared on the ceiling thinking about everything LJ and Jay told me. So they want me to date her to prevent anyone else from getting hurt? I scoffed "they have to be fucking kidding about that. I'm not dating someone who hurt people I care about. Not even by a long shot". I got up and took off my clothes before changing into my sleep wear. Which is just pants and a t-shirt. I went back on the bed and pulled out the phone I saved (y/n)'s number on. I was wondering if to text her or call her or just don't do anything at all. It took me a while but I finally came up with a decision. My room door is locked and I can just stay on the phone with her for 20 minutes. So with a deep breath I went on her contact and tapped the call sign and held it by my ear waiting for it to ring.

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