Chapter 5

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Zoey's P.O.V

The night we got home Luke carried Emily into the church where eveyone was.I was told by Kelly that before all of that Cassandra And Harry got into a big fight because Cassandra suggested we share things.Campbell then pulled out a gun and acted like he was going to shoot Cassandra so that he could get everybody's attention.Him, Harry, Kelly, And a couple others were about to walk out when Grizz, Luke, Emily, Gwen, the other two and I all walked in.

Everyone was scared and in shock.Tomorrow Grizz, Jason, Clark, And Luke are supposed to help burry Emily.

Grizz and I were both in my bed staring at the ceiling.

"I can't fucking believe this"Grizz spoke up.

"Me neither.I can't stop thinking about it"I said.

"Like, where the fuck even are we?Because this isn't our home"Grizz said rolling over and turning towards me.

"This seems like something that you would see on a Si-Fi movie, not fucking real life"I told him.

"I miss my mom"He said quietly.

"I know, baby"I said putting my hand up to his cheek.

"I just wanna fucking go home"He said as tears started to spill from his eyes, breaking my heart.

I then pulled his head up on my chest while I held him as he cried.

"Shhh, shhh.Its gonna be okay, Grizz.We'll find our way back home soon, I promise"I said while running my fingers through his hair.

"Can you read to me?"He asked once he had calmed down.

"Yeah, What do you want me to read?"I asked him.

"What ever you want"He said.

I then looked over and saw the Twilight book on my desk and reached over and grabbed it since it was close and I didn't have to get up.

"Oh, you're soooo gonna love this"I said with a laugh.

"I'm scared"He said with a nervous laugh while scooting up and setting his head on my shoulder and hands around my waist.

I had the book opened so he couldn't read the title.

"My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down.It was seventy-five degreased in Phoenix,"

"Oh!Fuck, Bella Swan's, ugly ass!"Grizz joked and I laughed.

"Jacob And Edward don't think so"I said.

"Yeah cause their fucking ugly too"Grizz said and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I used to have the biggest crush on Edward"I told him and he looked up at me like I was crazy.

"You did not!"He said in disbelief.

"I swear to you I had a fucking Edward Cullen lunchbox when I was in 5th grade and carried that shit around with me everywhere I went"I said and he just died of laughter.

"I'm fucking dead.This is why I love you, you always know how to cheer me up"He said with a smile before planting a kiss on my lips.

"I love you more"I told him and he scoffed.

"Not possible, I love you the most"He said and it was my turn to scoff.

"As if"I said before he got up and straddled me while tickling me in all of the places I was ticklish.

"Oh my god!Oh my god, Grizz!Stop!Please stop!"I said through laughter.

"If you don't stop I will tickle you under your armpits!"I threatened and he stopped while putting his hands up in the air in defense while still straddling me.

"I surrender"He said before getting off of me and laying back down next to me.

"You know, I can help them burry her tomorrow if you're not up to it"I offered and he shook his head.

"No, no.Thats okay, love.Ill be fine"He assured me with his cute little smile.

"Are you sure, because I can do it"I said.

"No, you shouldn't have to"Grizz told me.

"You shouldn't either"I told him.

"Yeah, well I should have been prepared out there, and I wasn't"Grizz said.

"You didn't know that that was going to happen, none of us did"I told him.

"Yeah but everyone was counting on me to know what the hell I was doing.I just feel like it's my fault.Like maybe if I would've brought the right stuff then I could've saved her.Bit instead I'm a fucking dumbass and didn't "He said with a big sigh.

"This isn't your fault, Grizz.Don't beat yourself up about it"I told him while grabbing his hand and intertwining it with mine.

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about that writing on the wall, you know, from before we left"Grizz said.

"What about it?"I asked curiously.

"I don't know, I think it might've meant something, like a sign?"Grizz said.

"Like a sign from God?I mean it was on the church wall"I said and he nodded.

"Yeah, Maybe it was"He said.

"Kelly just texted.She told me her and Harry got into a fight and she wants to come over"I told Grizz.

"Yay, sleepover"Grizz said sarcastically and I gave him a "really?" Look.

"Kidding.Of course, Kelly, can come over, I mean after all this is your house"Grizz said.

I texted Kelly back telling her she could come over.

"I really hate Harry"I stated.

"You've hated him ever since Middle School"Grizz said.

"Yeah because he fucking cheated on me with that slut, Susan"I said and Grizz laughed.

"Yeah, I remember I was so pissed when I found out"Grizz said.

"Yeah because he was bragging to you guys about how he lost his virginity to her"I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Yeah And right after that I went and snitched on him to you"He said with a laugh.

"He was so mad at you"I said remembering Harry going up to Grizz and pretending to punch him to scare him and Grizz flinched and held his hands up over his face in fear.

"Yeah, he made me look like such a little pussy"Grizz said shaking his head.

"Yeah And he made me look like a complete clueless ass dumbass"I said and he chuckled.

Kelly then walked in and threw her bag onto the ground and jumped into bed with us.

"Okay, damn"Grizz said moving over to the edge so that it was Him, Me, and then Kelly.

"I fucking hate him.Hes such a fucking asshole!I wish I could just shove my foot up his cute ass!"She said in frustration.

"Wow, an insult and a compliment in one sentence"Grizz said and she threw a pillow at him.

"I told you to stay away from him, but no, no one ever wants to listen to me"I said.

"I know.Im sorry.I should've listened to you after all you went through with him"Kelly said laying her head down on my shoulder and her arms around my waist.

"Wow, steal my girlfriend why don't ya?Might as well just make me a pallet on the floor while you're at it"Grizz said and we all laughed.

I love that boy so damn much.

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