Chapter 9

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 "Going to the lake sounds fun today," Celia said, preparing the sandwiches with Mom. "Don't you agree, Mary-Beth?"

 "I totally agree," Mom said. "This will be our first day of family vacation with Punk."

 I rolled my eyes. Gaw. Those words still made me want to throw up. Even though I knew the benefits of it.

 I held Peanut in my hands, petting her. I was waiting for the food to be prepared so we can go down to the lake. I was sitting down on the couch in the living room, hearing the food being prepared in the kitchen.

 We all already set up the blankets and chairs we were going to bring down there. Now we just had the food left.

 Celia suggested to bring the ham and cheese sandwiches along with a side of fruit bowl, water and fruit juices.

 "Oh, please bring the fruit juices," Candi said, begging Celia for them. Candi is crazy about Celia's fruit juices. I don't blame her. We were all crazy about Celia's fruit juices.

 Celia's fruit juices were just like fruit punch but without the sugar and all that other stuff they put in. Celia's fruit juices taste like the homemade kind.

 "I'm sorry I have to leave you today but don't worry, I'll be back," I cooed to Peanut.

 Peanut flopped her whiskers.

 I heard a door open and looked up.

 Willhelm and Punk came into the living room.

 "I'm telling you, Phil," Willhelm said. "My wife's fruit juices are the best. It's going to rock your socks off."

 "I'm glad it isn't my underwear," Punk said, taking a seat beside me.

 He held his hands out and I put Peanut on them.

 "Hi, Peanut," he cooed to her, petting her softly.

 Peanut began to put her paws over her head.

 "Well, I have to say is that my daughter was lucky to meet some hot guys backstage," Mom said. "Certainly, you could of invited me."

 "Um, yeah, but I was too shocked that Punk invited me," I said, glancing at Peanut.

 "Good galore. It must of been a dream to be with those boys backstage over there. You didn't slip any of them your number, did you?" Mom said.

 "Um, no," I said, giving a strange look. Mom just wants to know if I'm probably secretly dating one. She'll be all like, well, I don't approve of your relationship or just make sure he doesn't scream at you. She's always nosy like that with my social life.

 Even one time I went to the movies with my friends and one of them was a guy and she kept asking me if he was interested in me and I kept telling her that he only saw me as a friend, nothing else.

 "I better take Peanut back up," I said, stretching my hands to her. Punk gave her to me and I went upstairs with her.

 As I put her back in her cage, I went to my closet.

 Hm, what to wear for today.

 I still had on my black dress from yesterday but something more causal and nice would be good for a change.

 I went through my closet and drawers. I finally found the perfect solution.

 I got out my gray tank top, black cardigan and ripped jeans out. I put my black sandals aside. I put my hair high way up ponytail, knowing the at the lake it'll be windy.

 I threw off my dress and putted these clothes on. Perfect.

 I went downstairs to check on the food.

 "Almost ready, Celia?" I asked.

 "Almost, dear," Celia said. "I might even let you have a little snacker to see if it's right." She winked and I chuckled and winked back at her.

 Celia's funny that way. She gets really secretive and likes to poke fun out.

 "Well, excuse me, but this isn't a date we're going on," Punk said, leaning on the counter and glancing at my wardrobe of choice.

 "Sorry but this is what I could afford today," I said, bouncing my ponytail up and down. "You like it?"

 "Like it? I love it," Punk said. "You do remind me of Eve."

 "Eve Torres?" I asked him. "Wow, you're comparing me to another woman? Thanks."

 I walked away and went to the front door, heading out.

 "Wait, Ser."

 I glanced around the neighborhood, noticing that the sun will set pretty soon.

 "I'm not comparing you, Ser," Punk said, standing beside me. "I'm just saying you look alike. You could be sisters. Though I have to say're more better than Eve."

 "What do you mean?" I asked.

 "I find you more attractive than Eve," Punk said.

 "Please," I said. "I'm like 2nd place to the Divas Champion."

 "No, you're not," Punk said, coming closer to me. "You're..."


 "AW, come on!" I heard someone screamed.

 I ran back inside. "What's wrong?"

 "The stupid ham burned," Celia said, carefully putting the burned ham in the trash. "And that one was coming out perfectly fine."

 "Here, take this one," Mom said, handing another ham to Celia.

 Celia took it and put it on the pan. "Keep an eye on the ham when you're cooking them, kids," Celia said, keeping an eye on the ham.

 Me and Punk laughed at this.

 "Get Lukas and Candi," Mom said. "Food's almost done. We'll be ready to go to the lake soon."

 So I went to go get Candi and Punk went to go get Lukas.

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