Chapter 23

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 Punk played with my hair as we laid down on the guest bed together. "Have I ever told you I always liked you?" Punk asked.

 I giggled. "Of course not, silly."

 "Do you think that a kiss will make you remember?"

 I blushed and smiled. "Go for it."

 So Punk kissed me on the lips. The kiss made me feel all warm inside. Punk then hugged me after lip-locking with me for a little bit. His hug made me feel more warmer, like he was a blanket I could cuddle onto.

 He was just so nice. He was just so funny. Smart. Hot. Cute. He was the perfect boyfriend.

 Boyfriend? Wait, boyfriend? Um, he's my step-cousin.

 Um, yeah, who kissed you.

 Yeah, but he's partially related to me.

 And so what? It's not like your mom's going to find...Oh goodness, what if she DOES find out? That means...everybody will be ruined because of ME!!!!!!!



 I shook with ferocity. I mumbled.


 I woke up. Punk was shaking my leg.

 "What is it?" I asked.

 "You were having a bad dream."

 "Yeah, it was..."

 Oh crap. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell him it was about us kissing, how it was forbidden for us to love each other, how...

 "Was it about last night?"

 How did he read my mind?

 "Sort of," I said, my face wanting to shrink my embarrassing moment face.

 Punk just smiled.

 "Well, last night's party was fun."

 The party?

 "Um, what"


 "Um, what happened between us?"

 Punk sighed. "Just in case you were startled, I'm sorry if I kissed you last night."


 "Sorry for what?"

 "I mean, I'm sorry if I kissed you and you never asked for it. I mean, I really like you enough to be my...but I know that you're going to balk at this and I'm pretty sure that you'll say Punk, it's wrong for us to go out. We may be step-cousins but your uncle's married to my aunt...blah blah if you want us to be cousins, that'll be just fine but...I was just letting you know how I felt about you. I mean, I don't know how else to express myself."

 I gaped. Whoa. This guy was prepared.

 "It's not that I don't like you Punk. It's just...I don't want anyone to know"

 "I know. And I'm saying is that if you're not comfortable with this relationship, it's fine."

 "No, I really like you and I know that...well, we like each other but I'm afraind they'll kick you out and not allow me to see you."

 "They can't do that to me."

 "And they have to approve it."

 "Yes, that's understanding but it's nor our fault that 2 step-cousins are in love with each other."

 I nodded.

 "You're right. It's just...I need time to think."

 "Fine by me. I understand."

 "What happen to the others last night?"

 "Everonye went home. I called your aunt and told her that I took you out for the night and you were getting tired so I took you home to my place to rest."

 "Ok, well, take me home now. I'll think about this relationship were going to have."

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