Chapter 14

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"Bella, come here girl," I called out.

 I was in the backyard with Punk, calling out my dog.

 Bella was a chocolate Lab.

 I first got her when we moved to Chicago.

 Celia knew that I was pretty angry over the leaving my friends behind, so she went to a pet store and got Bella for me.

 Bella was fun and energetic. She loved meeting new people but she barked at ones that she felt uncomfortable with.

 I'm serious about that. When I brought Annalynn over to my house one time, Bella came racing and attacked her. She jumped on Annalynn with her paws up in the air and licked her face. Annalynn had to wash her face after that.

 She even loves water. Which is unsual. Well, to me. All I ever heard was dogs didn't like water but I guess some just love it so much, that they can get into a pool and just swim on and on.

 Anothing thing I loved about Bella was her light brown eyes. They shone like light and I just sometimes cooed and put my face up in her face.

 Funny, how Punk's eyes looked like that, only better. They were more almond shaped too, with such piercing light brown light shinning into my eyes.

 Crap. I gotta stop thinking about that.


 Bella came racing up to me, her ears all floppy. She ran like a stallion.

 "Hi, girl," I said, getting down to my knees as she started to lick my face and pounce on me.

 "I like you to meet someone," I cooed. "Meet my step-cousin, Punk."

 Punk kneeled down beside me. He held out his hand.

 "It's ok," Punk said, holding out his hand more as Bella pulled back a little.

 Bella sniffed his hand and licked it.

 "No, don't lick my hand," Punk teased. He petted her on the head.

 Bella began to bounce around.

 "You want to play?" he asked her. "Play?"

 Bella pounced to the ground. "Ruff!"

 "Does she have any toys?" Punk asked.

 I went to her toy bin.

 "Why don't you play with her with this?" I asked, holding up her favorite rope.

 Bella loved tug of war. You could put it in her mouth and she'll try her hardest just to pull it back. Even when you gave up, she went right back to you and asked for more.

 I handed him the rope.

 They began tug of war.

 "Hey, give it back," Punk said, pulling it back.

 Bella growled and tried to pull it back.

 "Back," Punk said, playfully. He pulled back.

 Bella pulled back.

 Punk let go of the rope.

 Bella began to chomp down on it.

 She came up to Punk again and dropped the rope on his lap.

 "I just played it with you," Punk said, laughing.

 Bella licked his face.

 "Blleekkkkk!!!" Punk snapped. "I got dog gob on me now."

 I smiled and laughed.

 I kneed beside them.

 "How much do you love Punk?" I asked Bella.

 Bella barked and licked his face some more.

 "No, Ser, stop it!" Punk said, laughing as Bella licked him some more.

 "You're so adorable, I could just hug and hug you!" I said, hugging Bella.

 A vibrating sound went off.

 Punk picked up his phone.

 "The party's on," Punk said, looking at me.

 "Zack's party?" I asked.

 Punk nodded. "Yep. We're going."

 I cheered and ran into the house, jumping for joy.

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