Chapter 31-Epilogue

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 "Hurry up!" I called out to Annalynn.

 Annalynn hurried, her heels not making her walk faster.

 "Dude, I'm so ready for this!" Annalynn said, getting in the car with me.

 "I know right?" I asked.

 "I can't believe I'm heading to Ohio with you to watch some hot wreslters!" Annalynn said. "And this time...I'm going to get their numbers."

 I laughed.

 "Cleveland, Ohio," Raynee said. "I can't believe I'm going over there!"

 "Calm down, Raynee," Evelyn said. "Just be glad that Punk's paying for this!"

 "Are you girls ready?" Willhem asked.

 "We are," we shouted back.

 "Let's wait for the others to call," he said.

 I looked down, proud at the plain black dress I was wearing. This was going to be one big road trip vacation.

 " you think Zack's going to like me?" Annalynn asked.

 "I don't know!" I giggled.

 "How long is Ohio from here?" Raynee asked.

 "Depends on the town," Annalynn said.

 "So we got your mom, you, your dad, Candi, Lukas, Celia, Willhelm, me and Annalynn...that's 9 people heading over there!" Raynee shouted.

 "Don't forget Punk," I said, winking.

 "Oh goodness. No, don't forget her man," Annalynn said. "Sernalina Meliona Fayson, why are you so lucky to have a cousin for a boyfriend who's a wreslter?"

 "Well, he's not related to me so it's ok," I said, shrugging.

 "Is that Candi?" Raynee asked.

 There was a shriek outside the car. "I can't believe I'm going to watch live wrestling...again!" Candi shouted.

 "I guess that's them," Willhelm said.

 My cell phone rang. I answered it.


 "You ready?"

 It was Punk.

 "Oh yes, I'm ready to see you beat the crap out of Cena," I snickered, knowing that he was playing the bad guy for the storyline.

 "Good, then let Willy know we're heading off now."

 "We can go," I said to Willhelm.

 "Road trip vacation time!" Willhelm hollered.

 We all screamed.

 We then headed over to Cleveland, Ohio. Punk invited us again only he included my friends this time. We were going to spend some more family time.

 Yep, we were.

 Only I had a different situation.

 Not only was I going to spend some family time with Punk. I was going on a date with Punk. I was going on a family date with him. Everybody knew how we felt about each other so they don't mind us have a kind of "separate" table from them.

 Now, as we headed over to Ohio, began my love for Punk.

 Punk was right all along. I wasn't the worst in the world. I never was from the start. I was just beating myself down when I should of been beating the ones that were taking me down.

 You just got to climb those steps and face your fears to become the Best In the World just like my boyfriend, CM Punk.


 THE END! I hope you all liked it! Sorry if it was kind of short towards the end...but it's finally finished! I was going to do some other POVs with Punk and Cena in certain chapters but I changed my mind. Please rate, comment and read my other books if you can! This vidoe Energy by Shinedown is the book's kind of theme song in a way. Enjoy!

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