Chapter 15

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 "The party's on! The party's on!" I began to squeal.

 "What?" Celia asked.

 "The party! Zack's party!" I shouted.

 I jumped up and down. "I can't wait! I can't wait!"

 I raced up to my room, exhausted.


 I glanced up.

 "Charmmy," I said, surprised.

 Charmmy was on my bed, gazing up at me.

 "What are you doing here?" I asked, coming up to her.

 Charmmy Night was originally going to be Celia's cat. Celia bought Charmmy at the same pet store she bought Bella.

 Only when she saw me playing around with Charmmy so much, she said that I could be "part" owner of her.

 Charmmy was black with shiny light green eyes. She had on a pink diamond collar, unlike Bella who had a black one with small metal circles. What was so unsual about her was that, like Bella, she loved to play.

 You could give her a ball and Charmmy could paw that ball all day.

 "Meow." Charmmy began to purr.

 She rubbed her head over my arm.

 "Did you miss me?" I cooed to her ear. "Did you miss me?"

 I heard a thump. I turned around.

 "You really got to stop doing that," I told Punk.

 Punk smirked. "I can't help it. I like scaring people."

 Charmmy perked up her ears.

 "Is this your cat?" Punk asked.

 "Yep, well, partly," I said.

 "Here, kitty," Punk said, holding out his hand.

 Charmmy slowly came up to the hand.

 She began to purr and rubbed her head around it.

 Punk petted her head.

 Charmmy rubbed her head around the hand still.

 "Are you falling in love with him?" I asked.

 "All the animals are," Punk said.

 I hit his arm. "Wow, you must be one good-looking guy."

 Punk laughed. "I can't help it."

 I blushed a little. Ok, why was I blushing? Please don't tell me I was flirting with him. Again.

 "Look, give her this," I said, handing him a ball.

 Punk gave her the ball.

 Charmmy immediately pawed the ball all over my bed.

 "I'm so jealous of you," Punk said.

 "Why?" I asked.

 "Because you seem to have more fun living a normal life," Punk said. "I'm stick trying to balance out with wrestling and stuff."

 "It's probably not that bad," I said.

 "I spend more time being on my bus than my house," Punk pointed out.

 "You have a bus?" I asked.

 "Yeah," he said.

 "Can I go on it soon?" I asked.

 "We'll have to see," he said, playing with Charmmy some more.

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