I Need Help

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Aziraphale's p.o.v.

I pace back and forth in my living area. I've been doing that a lot lately. I feel a sudden rush of heat and take off my jacket and throw it on the couch. Not caring at the moment. I go back to pacing and muttering to myself. "What was that powder?" I ask myself as I remember how her fingers felt on my cheek. I get that hot feeling again and take off my bowtie. Throwing it with my jacket. I stop pacing and bite the inside of my cheek. I look down and see the reason I've been so uncomfortable. I'm not naive I know how I'm supposed to fix this. But it doesn't feel right without her. I feel empty just being away from her. I look at the phone then notice a piece of paper by it. I walk over and pick it up. 'Y/n's phone number?' I tap my finger quickly on the table. Should I call her? Maybe I should to make sure she's doing okay. I don't want her to be as uncomfortable as I am. I pick up the phone and dial her number. She picks up after three rings. "H-hello?" She answers breathlessly. "Y-Y/n?" I ask trying to not sound just as breathless. "Zira!" She exclaims and I hear crashing in the background. "Are you okay!?!?" I ask franticly. "Y-yes. Just fell is all!" I hear her clear her throat. "I was wondering if you're feeling fine" I ask as I tap my foot quickly. "How are you feeling?" She asks. Clearly avoiding my question. "I asked you first. I want an honest answer" I say softly. I hear her squeak. "H-honest?" "Yes" she clears her throat. "I think it's the powder but I feel..... Uhhh.... H-horny" she says sheepishly. I stiffen and nearly choke on air. "Z-Zira?!" "I'm fine... I... Uhhh. Feel the same..." I whisper the last part. "You do?" I blush that she heard me. "Y-yes" "I need your help" she say quickly. "With?" "My... Uhhh... P-problem" she says softly. I am quite for a moment. "Okay" I say hanging up and miracling myself in front of her door. Before I have time to knock she's opening the door and pulling me inside. Before I know it I'm pressed against the wall with her lips greedily on mine. I relax and kiss her back. She moans softly in my mouth and that triggers something inside of me. I'm pushing her without breaking the kiss, on to the couch. We tumble over the end of it and I land on top of her. She looks up at me panting slightly. She starts to unbutton her oversized sleep shirt she was in. She looks up at me with her brightly colored eyes. "I need you. I need you now." She says discarding it somewhere over my shoulder. I miracle my clothes away because of my own impatient mind. I attack her neck with kisses and a few nips her and there. Her moans we're better than any music I've ever heard. I wanted to hear more. I press my body against hers and she responds with wrapping her legs around my waist. I rub my aching erection against her. She moans again "please.... just fuck .....me ......already!" She says between pants. "Will you be okay?" I ask suddenly. She nods then shyly adds "it's not my first time.... I was married a few times. Being a woman meant I was property" I stare at her in disbelief. "You're not property!" I say a bit angerily. "The thing is. I want to be your property" she says touching my cheek gently with her finger tips. I bite my lip. "Please I need you inside of me." She says. I nod and position myself at her entrance and slowly insert myself inside of her. She moans and bucks her hips slightly. I gasp and moan at the sudden movement and the amazing feeling. "M-move!" She pants. I nod and start thrusting in and out of her. She digs her nails into my back and growls "f-faster damnit!!" And I obey. I thrust into her at inhuman speed. She screams my name as I scream hers. After a bit I feel the walls of her womanhood clamp tightly around my dick. "ZIRAAAAAAAAA" She screams as she reaches her climax. Her climax triggers mine and I release inside of her. We stay like that for a bit. Waiting for our high to come down. Once we are done I pull out and she flips us over so she's laying on me. She pulls a blanket off the back of the couch and covers us up. "I know you don't sleep. But I do." She says closing her eyes and before I can say anything she's out like a light. I smile at her and decide to try sleeping out. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Aziraphale x Reader Smut Where stories live. Discover now