Grayson Gordon is a 16 year old junior at Cincinnati High School. But as you may have guessed from the title of this book, he won't be a normal high schooler.
Grayson is the school's nothing. He's a nerd like Peter Parker was. He's just looking for...
Ever since Grayson Gordon mysteriously got abs from a spider bite which, now that it's actually said aloud sounds completely absurd, he's had this newfound confidence. He wasn't sticking up to bullies or stopping drug dealers, but he felt a little stronger within, even if that wasn't an external thing.
Now he strolled through the halls and wasn't afraid to be picked on, and even his peers noticed that. Max, his bully, walked up to him that Thursday morning, the day after the horrific prank. His goons followed close behind. "You dare show up to school again. I thought we finished you off the day before!" But Grayson shocked everyone in the hall when he looked Max dead in his eyes and smirked. It caused even Max to shrink inside himself a bit, but it didn't stop him from smacking the hell out of Grayson. Max would never admit it, but Grayson's face was harder than it'd been before and his hand ached throughout the day.
So far the only think Grayson had was abs and adhesive limbs. Oh, and the harder, stronger bones. But Grayson never drank calcium, he's lactose intolerant...
That led Max to an odd conclusion in his science class. It was the multiple spider bites. But nothing about those spiders were unique, they were all the same. Each spider could only bite once and any more would kill it. He tried to minimize his movements as to not draw attention to himself but he only managed to do the exact opposite. A few classmates eyes were on him as he searched his arms and felt on his neck for bites.
He counted 13. 13? He remembered there only being 12 spiders, and yes, he double checked when he was first thrown in there! So where did a thirteenth spider come from? He noted that all bites were about the same except one. That was the odd one out and it belonged to the same spider. Whatever type that was. Grayson attained his vast knowledge from experience so he knows what a spider bite will do to you. However, abs, muscle, adhesion, and bone thickness were not symptoms of spider bites.
Finally the students looked away from them. "Thanks for my body back..." he mumbled quietly.
"Are you okay? I heard what happened. It was all over twitter." was that? no, it couldn't be. Grayson didn't have the best eyesight but he couldn't completely mess up a person's face. And how would his sight affect him hearing someone's respective voice? Grayson waited 3 long seconds and realized that, yes, indeed, Lea Hissim was talking to him... When did that happen?
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"Lea!" he exclaimed, astonished. She finally smiled after him which took away all of the pain he'd been previously feeling from what seemed like a hundred itching bites.
"That's- yeah that's me. I didn't know you know who I was."
It's not hard to guess that Grayson doesn't know what to say. Hey, maybe try answering her question? "D-Uh yeah. Thanks but I'm ok. Actually, I feel-" he didn't even finish his sentence before running away from her. Not even the other way around.
Was he indestructible? Could he be harmed and could he be hurt? Would he ever break a single bone again? Grayson was only able to come up with answers and could not think of ways to execute it and actually try it out. Could he be hurt was the real question. When Max slapped him at school that day he felt but a feather wiping his face. Max wasn't as good as hiding his emotions though and it was clear he wasn't feeling so peachy after slamming his hand against what may as well be cement.
Grayson smiled remembering the moment. That would teach him-- actually, he doesn't come to school to be taught. Max goes to school to be a tormentor and to be popular. So that's the completely wrong choice of words.
Once again his mom was taking extra shifts. Grayson, little brother, Sam, was downstairs practicing with his band while Grayson was upstairs and working on some art. He has an art request account where people will pay him to draw something. That's his way of helping out his mom and family's financial situation. Sam hopes to one day sell out shows so that his mom would never have to work another day in her life.
He texted the buyer.
What's your name, anyway? This account has no content and I feel like you just made it because you're afraid to know who I am.
He waited for a response.
You'll know who I am when I pick up the piece.
That's not the most settling thing to read but Grayson understood where they were coming from.
Oh, so I do know you? Have we met?
A reply came a lot faster this time.
Not sure. But we will meet now.
Grayson isn't sure if the buyer is a girl or boy. But he's happy to know that someone is at least vaguely interested in him.