Chapter 6: Bad Bitches Don't Die Easy

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Night school was just as its name suggested.

Gloomy, dark and, apparently, mandatory.

"Why can't I just go to normal school?" I blurted out when I saw the figures circling around the limousine like shadows, my social anxiety creeping in and causing me to clutch Memo-chan to my chest tighter. Laito, as if smelling my fear, cocked his head to my direction, a wolfish grin painting his features.

"We can't take the risk of you escaping, little minx," He tisked, leaning forward in his seat until his breath was lingering in my neck. Rolling my eyes, I slapped my hand against his cheekbone to push his face back, much to his amusement. "You are our meal, and meals stay put."

Grumbling, I proceeded to exit the limousine after Ayato, deciding to play it safe by not being within two feet his perverted brother. Though, to be fair, playing it safe would include me avoiding each and everyone of the Sakamaki's, which is a lot harder than it sounds. With how good-looking they are, I wouldn't be surprised if they had fan–

Almost as if on cue, the girls surrounding the parking lot began shrieking at the top of their lungs when the Sakamaki brothers stepped out of the limousine. Wincing at the volume of their fantric, high-pitched screams, I turned to Reiji once more, struggling to make myself heard over the noise. "I'm going to take an educated guess and say that these chicks don't know you're all bloodsuckers."

Upon his hard state and lack of reply, I shook my head minutely at his direction, exasperated. Stifling my curiosity as to why on earth these vampires didn't just snatch one of their more than willing fangirls to be their blood bags.

Speaking of fangirls - the girls seemed to have finally noticed Yui and I standing among their precious idols, and our presence inspired a reaction not much different to what I had expected. Eyes blazing with jealousy as they scrutinised us, and a part of me wanted so badly to gag

"Who is she and why is she standing so close to Reiji - I saw him first!" This ain't first come first serve, honey, you don't exactly call dibs.

"Look at the short one has a rabbit stuffie - is she Kanato's younger sister or something?" Um, bitch, wut?

"The white-haired one has vitiligo like Saburu!" Man, these people suck at stage whispering.

Kissing my teeth, I took the schedule from Reiji's outstretched hand with a mumbled "thanks", memorising the names of both my classes and teachers so I wouldn't be seen wandering around like a fool. Tucking the schedule into the pocket of my skirt and turning to leave, I flinched when Laito's arm curled around my shoulder, ensnaring me in place.

"Well, well, little minx; it seems we have class together!" He jeered, fingers wound so tightly around my shoulder blade that I could feel the bone clinching in protest. Not that the jackass really seemed to care, his eyes latched on the visible skin of my neck. "Let's walk together~"

Positioning my body so that we were standing face to face, I gave the red-head the sweetest smile before thrusting my knee onto his crotch. Still smiling whenever he fell to the ground on his knee, hissing, whilst I took off into a sprint towards the school building. Peering over my shoulder to flip Laito the bird from where he was glaring at me whilst holding the incubator of his future children.

"This bitch really thought I'd cave, lmao,"

Jogging until I reached my next class, which I found purely by chance, to be perfectly honest, I introduced myself quickly and sat down. Settling Memo-chan onto my lap and starting into the pitch black night outside the window to my left, plotting down how I was going to escape Laito when he hunted me down out of pure spite.

"What are you staring at?" A voice murmured into my ear, and I jumped so hard that I almost hit my shins against the table. Letting out a shaky exhale once I realised it was only Kanato standing over my shoulder, his expression placid as he scrutinised my reaction.

"Nothing," I paused, giving him the once over. Standing there under the moonlight with dark eye bags and pale eggshell-like skin, he looked so much like a vampire that it was almost painful to ignore. "Wait, why are you here, Kanato?"

"I have class, why else would I be here?" He snapped, face darkening ominously within seconds. Is this dude bipolar?

"Sheesh, alright, I was just asking. What crawled up your ass and died?" I snarled back, arching an eyebrow faintly when Kanato slapped his hand against my table, seeming even more enraged that I had reciprocated his anger.

"Don't talk to me like that, you worthless doll." It took me a moment to realise that the nickname Kanato had chosen was an insult. A demeaning term that implied I was worth no more than a toy made from playing and tossing away. For a hot moment, I felt the urge to slap him across the face, but settled for a verbal attack instead.

"I can talk to you in whatever way I please; you've done nothing to earn my respect, Sakamaki," I spat out, digging my nails onto his hand with excessive force until he withdrew it from my table. "And take your pathetic self and that rag you call a teddy bear somewhere else, bloodsucking freak."

Opening his mouth to most likely say something crude, he snapped if shut when the teacher swept to our side of the room like a saving grace, instructing everyone to sit down. Kanato followed the order begrudgingly, shooting me a foul look over his shoulder as he took the seat a few desks away from mine.

And if looks could kill, I'd be hanging from the ceiling by my toes. He was glaring at me with so much anger he might as well have burnt the side of my face with his stare alone.

Sneering, I stuck my tongue at him from across the room. Using my last brain cell to provoke him further because, in all honesty, if Laito doesn't kill me then he by no doubt will.

So go ahead, Kanato. Try. Bad bitches don't die easy.

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