Chapter 7: The One That Got Away

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With sheer luck, I managed to evade both Laito and Kanato at the end of each class. Well, it was less luck and more of me bounding out of the class as soon as the bell went off.

Regardless, I could feel their burning eyes on my back throughout each lesson, and it soon became painstakingly clear that their anger wouldn't putter overtime like I'd hoped. So whenever lunch rolled around, I skittered through the hallways on the balls of my feet, shrinking my shoulders inwards in order to appear more inconspicuous.

Praying to God that I wouldn't be found by one of the triplets, I turned a sharp corner towards the direction of what looked like a courtyard. But apparently God wasn't on my side tonight because the next thing I knew, I was being yanked by the arm before I could even register what was happening.

"Oi!" Panicking internally, I spun around to kick the stranger in the shins. Eyes widening when Ayato's hand caught my kneecap before it could make contact with his calves. His eyebrows remained arched as I gained my balance, whether from disbelief or amusement, I couldn't tell. "Do you always kick people in the shins when they try to talk to you?"

"Only with vampires, it seems," I shot back, pulling away from his grasp and peering anxiously over his shoulder. None of his brothers seemed to be roaming around - thank the Lord - but I couldn't be quite sure if they were hiding or present elsewhere. I silently hoped it was the latter.

"What do you want?" I focused back on Ayato, who arched an eyebrow faintly at my semi-deflated tone. Clearly not expecting me to be so cooperative, since he'd probably incorporated inside his head that I was one intolerant, stubborn bitch. He wasn't wrong though, lmao.

"We eat lunch at the cafeteria," He sneered, pointing at the direction I had been previously avoiding with a placid expression. Then a grin overtook his features, slow and predatory, enough so that I inched slightly from him slightly in unease. And I thought Kanato was the bipolar one, sheesh. "Reiji figured you'd try to pull off some stunt since you got on Laito's bad side, so he told me to escort you to lunch."

"How kind of him," I smiled flatly, opening my mouth to add something snide only to be cut off by Ayato dragging me to the cafeteria by my shoulder. Balancing Memo-chan on the arm that wasn't twisted at a painful angle due to Ayato's strength, I tried unsuccessfully to pull out of his grasp. "Ow - oi, that hurts, you bastard!"

Ayato's reply was too low for my fickle human hearing to detect, but I didn't care enough to ask him to repeat it. Instead I let myself be dragged to the cafeteria - which was, like the rest of the school - extremely grand and well-furnished. Full to the brim with students enjoying their lunch (or was it dinner?), which I was quietly grateful for as I was dumped into the seat next to Reiji, who didn't even spare me a look.

"How nice of you to join us, Ms Komori," He snipped, picking up a utensil from a hardwood box he had settled on his side table despite having a perfectly good set of cutlery folded neatly on his platter, which seemed to be provided by the school. I didn't bother to hide my eye roll at both his statement and his actions - growing more bold now that we were in a room full of witnesses.

"Eh, I decided to grace you with my presence, so of course you should be grateful." I sneered, settling Memo-chan onto my lap as I stared at the platter of food in front of me. It was a simple meal: roast potatoes, beef with gravy on the side, and. A glass of something red was settled beside the plate, and for a moment I thought it was blood before I noticed how clear the liquid was at the bottom. Cranberry juice.

Giving Reiji a flat look, I decided I was too hungry to complain and plunged my fork into the roast potatoes. Finishing my plate without looking at any of the vampires at the table because I just knew that if I made eye contact with either Laito or Kanato, all hell would break loose. My mission was simple: eat, finish and get the fuck out of there.

Just as I rose from my seat to throw away my tray and flee, a voice called out my name timidly. "Um, Ryota?" Clenching my jaw to stop myself from shrieking at Yui, I reminded myself that it wasn't her fault that I got myself into so much shit. Placing a tight smile on my face as I turned to where she was allocated - between Kanato and Laito.


"Yes, Yui?" I gritted out, unable to stop my smile from puttering when I realised that the plates of the vampires around her were almost finished. If anything, Kanato seemed to be eating his pastry faster than when I had first arrived to the table, and Laito was sipping his coffee at a speed that would burn the tongue. And I oop -

"I think we have the next class together so, um, I was wondering if you'd like to walk together?" She murmured, her voice so soft that I almost missed it. Restraining the urge to tell her to speak the fuck up, I merely nodded and spun on my heel as quickly as I could. Throwing away my tray, I grabbed Yui's hand after she got rid of her own plate and all but ran out of there.

The outside air felt fresh against my overheated, and I was thankful that the courtyard was a lot closer to the cafeteria than I expected as sat down on one of the benches to take a breather. Settling Memo-chan against my side, I awkwardly let go of Yui's hand when I realised I was still holding it. Nodding wordlessly at her murmured thanks as she too sat down beside me, playing idly with her hands.

"Did, um, something happen?" She murmured, quietly enough that I almost missed it among the sound of the wind, and I once again stopped myself from telling her to speak louder. I'd given up trying to convince her to use her vocals when we were twelve.

"Of course something happened - why else would I have ran away?" I drawled out, slowly and carefully, like I was talking to a child. Shaking my head when Yui's face flushed faintly in embarrassment at the stupidity of her own inquiry. "I hold nothing against you, Yui, but your questions baffle me sometimes."

"Oi," A voice snipped from behind us, and I whirled around to see a group of girls approaching Yui and I. All hard-faced and arms-crossed like they meant business of sorn sort, and I arched an eyebrow faintly before voicing my confusion aloud.

"Oi? What am I, a dog? Can't you at least call me by my name - I've sat beside you for the past three lessons, you uncultured swine." I snarled at the ringleader of the group, whom of which stopped a few feet away from me to glare us down. Yui, unsurprisingly, averted her gaze, remaining sat down like she had gone numb with fear. I quickly shielded her from the other girl's eyes before they could see the discomfort literally pouring out of her pores.

It wouldn't do any good for them to know that Yui's strength of mind was weaker than a plastic straw.

"What's your deal with the Sakamakis?" The leader - a brunette who, not gonna lie, was fairly pretty in her own right - completely ignored the words that came out of my mouth as she countered with her own question. Even tapping her foot as she was waiting for my answer, like she was deserving of such information and were wasting her time by stalling.

Like I owed this ignorant bitch an explanation.

"None of your business, sweetie," I smiled, fake and sweet. Relishing the look of outrage that crossed the girls' faces as I placed Memo-chan in Yui's arms to casually flip the group of girls my middle finger. "Just know that they aren't yours any longer, so back it up."

Now, I didn't have any intent on ever perusing the Sakamakis. Not only because they're vampires, but because they have repulsive personalities. But I really needed to let out some stress, and what better way to do it than whooping ass in a cat fight?

Taking off my eye-patch because I knew from previous experience that it was a liability, I placed that on Yui's hands as well and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. The bright gold eye that I usually kept hidden seeming to startle the ringleader for a moment, but she quickly got over her shock as she began removing her earrings and thrusting them onto the hands of one of her awaiting lackies.

Meeting her livid stare with an impish grin, I fired the next words that had her charging at my direction with a scowl.

"Come at me, bitch."

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