Chapter 8: Go Crazy, Aah! Go Stupid!

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Hi, hello, I'm not dead :)

I don't know if this chapter has any spelling mistakes, but I wouldn't put it beneath me. If so, don't hesitate to point them out so I can correct them as quickly as possible. That's all, as far as I'm aware.


Here's the thing: when I volunteered as a tribute to fight this fangirl chick, there was no indication that I would actually win. Oops?

Don't get me wrong - I love winning almost as much as I love food, but the stars just weren't in my favour tonight. First of, the girl I picked a fight with was not only older, but also stronger. Strong enough to send me plummeting across the pavement with one well-aimed punch at my jaguar. Yui had stood back, face paler than I'd ever seen it and eyes wide with horror (more so than usual), squeezing Memo-chan tightly between trembling hands.

Second of all - and this is something I found out much, much later - this chick wasn't strong because the world had something against me, but because she was the captian of the basketball team. It was when she rolled up her sleeves and revealed the rippling muscles of her forearm that I knew for sure I fucked up. But because I'm a dumb bitch and don't know when to back down, I made a snide comment about her slightly reciding hairline. She didn't take it very well.

And third of all, need I remind you that I am just a sixteen year old girl that's barely Kanato's size? Sheesh, lower your expectations, people.

That said, I didn't win. To put it lightly, I got my ass handed back to me. The only reason I wasn't decapitated where I lay (on the floor, clutching my side after an extremely hard kick from the brown-haired bitch cackling over me) was because the Sakamakis of all people showed up. They strolled towards our direction with grace of the bloodsucking creatures they were, and Yui's expression froze over with fear, her entire body shaking like a leaf where she stood.

I didn't notice the Sakamakis at first (too preoccupied wallowing in pain, y'know?) but the fangirl and her clan certainly did, because they quietened and flushed and shuffled from me as though they were trying to seem innocent in the eyes of the jury.

It gave me enough time to use the last of my strength and pick myself up, ignoring the snort Ayato let out upon glancing at my beaten up form, sneering like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. Well, fuck him. Then, with a mighty pull, I reached out to grab my opponent's ponytail and yanked it back hard enough that a few went flying out of her skull.

There was silence then. The Sakamakis had frozen, with the exception of Reiji and Shuu, who continued walking unbothered. Laito was stifling laughter, Kanato was staring at us with an unreadable expression, dull eyes clouded, and Ayato was seemingly in shock at what I'd done. Subaru was frowning because any other expression was foreign to him, apparently.

I released the strands of hair trapped between my fingers and spun on my heel, deciding to depart the scene with the fangirls were still in shock. Taking Memo-chan from Yui, I thew one last look behind my shoulder before speed-walking without another word. Knowing that if I dared do so much as breathe too loudly, the head of the fangirl would snap and rush over to break every bone in my body for not only humiliating her but also giving her a bald spot.

"Fuck my life," I breathed out as soon as I'd reached my next class, biting my tongue when the teacher side-eyed me upon the exclamation. Sitting down at one of the empty table and clutching my heart in fear, I reminiscenced my last hours of Earth. Contrary to popular belief, I know when I've gone too far, and I had gone way too far back there. "Oh my God, I'm literally gonna die."

"Sounds promising, but have you forgotten that we won't allow you to die?" A voice snarked out, causing me to startle and glance upwards. Reiji's placid expression greeted me, well, placidly as ever. How he'd got here already was beyond me but hey, why does that matter when I'm about to die? "You're our prey and we need you alive."

"Well, send my condolences to your manager because I'm about to die," I snorted, shaking my head at his indifferent demeanour. "You underestimate how crazy human can get, specially fangirls. They're going to skin me alive and use my flesh to keep warm during winter. Maybe they'll even send you a souvenir so you have something to remember me by. Like an eye socket or a finger."

Scrunching his nose at my gruesome humour, Reiji turned his attention to the board as soon as the teacher began speaking. But not before murmuring out of the corner of the corner of his mouth. "You're overreacting."

"Am not." I gasped, rolling my eyes when the classroom hushed me in return. Reiji began scribing our lecture in his little notebook and pretending to be blissfully unassociated with me. Asshole. I struggled to refrain from making a rude comment. "Whatever, when I die a slow painful death that bleeds me dry, it's on you. You know little nothing about humans other than your own twisted judgement but don't want to admit it because you're narcissist."

I didn't expect to hit a nerve, but I did. And hot damn, I hit hard. "I dare you to repeat that." He murmured, his voice a pillar of control yet his red eyes were furious. They sent chills down my spine.

"You're a narcissist, Reiji. A fucking narcissist, and an asshole too." I spat out - struggling to keep my voice low yet managing somehow - and leaned forwards so that my words have greater effect. "You want me alive but you don't want to go through the effort. You want me to hand my cooperation over in a silver platter. Well, fuck you. You couldn't keep me alive even if your life depended on it. Dick."

"Keep your shallow perspective inside your filthy, mortal mouth!" He snarled, and his beautiful face became ugly with outrage. Eyes narrowing into slits and mouth pulling back briefly against sharp, white fangs before closing his mouth quickly. "You know nothing about me nor of what I'm capable of."

"Prove it," I scoffed, turning away from him when the teacher raised an eyebrow at our direction.

The last thing I heard before shutting Reiji out completely was a quiet "so be it".

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