04: Relationship

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Eunsoo's pov

"You're alive?!" I said crying as I look at my brother. Alive and well. My hands were in front of my mouth covering it

"It's nice to see you again Eunsoo" he said with his hands inside his pockets. "But I saw you died! I saw you" I said repeatedly

"How are you alive?! How!" I said screaming.

The next thing I knew everything was blurry and moving around

"Eunsoo!" I heard the last call before my vision disappeared. And everything was pitch black.

Jungkook's pov

Eunsoo was emotional seeing his brother again. To be honest I shouldn't be here,I'm in no place to listen and explain. But I suddenly saw her swaying a bit until she lost balance.

I ran to catch her from falling and looked at Mingyu. I carried her yo my couch and placed her there.

"I guess it was too much for her" I said "I'm going to explain to her once she wakes up" he said. I patted his shoulder "You should"

He walks out of the room leaving both of us. I picked her up again and carried her to her room.

Laying her gently to her bed. "sorry if that was too much" I said leaning away. I left her room making sure someone was guarding it.

Eunsoo's pov

I woke up seeing the cold red ceiling again. I'm at my room? Who brought me here? As I stand up leaving my bed I heard a knock on the door

"It's me" I heard Mingyu oppa from outside. "come in" I replied. The door slowly opens and he steps inside

I looked at him not knowing how to act around him I sat on a chair that was in front of my bed. He was still awkward until I told him to sit down across me.

"I want to explain" he said "I guessed that already oppa" I replied "Aren't you you mad?" I shook my head give him a smile "No, I know everything happens for a reason"

He awkwardly chuckled while scratching the back of his head "But can you explain everything please, how are you alive and why are you here? What is your connection with Jungkook?"

He leans back and looks at me comfortably. "first of all, Eunsoo I didn't die. I faked it"he said "faked it? Why would you have to do that?" I asked

"so no one would suspect anything, if ever there was a witness when it happened" he said at first I nodded at him then when I realized why would they suspect him?

"Why would people suspect you? Are you somehow.. Wait this has something to do with your relationship with Jungkook, or am I wrong?" I raised one eyebrow

He signed and looked at me straight in the eye "you're smarter than I thought" he replied while smiling "Yes, my fake death was because of my relationship with Jungkook" he said

"Then tell me" "I'm actually part of Jungkook's team. I'm a member of the Golden force and I was the one spying our family" he explained. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to react

"why did you do this?" I asked "you know our family's reputation. And the human trafficking? One of the people I love died in my parents hands what do you think will I feel?" after hearing that it is still doesn't make sense at all

"someone you love died there? Who?" he looked at me "my lover, Jeon Jungkook's sister"

"so that's the reason why you betrayed the family and joined with him" I looked down. "not exactly" he replied

"then what? What other reason would you associate with him?" he looked at me "he save me when I was troubled before. When dad was beating me up because of my actions he saved me, that's also the reason why his sister got involved and why she died. So I owe everything to him. And that's why I'm with him" he said

"how did I not know any of these? We were so close before but I didn't even have a clue with what was happening" I ran my hands on my head

"I hid it on purpose. Please don't blame yourself" he said walking closer to me. And comforting me with a hug.

"I have so many unanswered questions I'm so confused" I said "Just ask anything I'll answer it." he replied

He was still comforting me hugging me I missed this so much. When I saw him die before being shoot with several bullets all I could do was cry and blame myself for not being able to protect him

But now that he is here I feel safe. I feel happy. After a while he let's go of me. "oppa thank you for being alive. I feel safer now" I said he pats my head and leans away

"I still have questions, why did Jungkook let me live? And why did he announced me as his?" I asked

"Eunsoo, I'm sure you don't remember. When you we're young, you met Jungkook, and you helped him to escape from father, it means a lot to him so he's just returning the favor. About the next one I'm not really sure why he did that" he explained

I nodded and smiled. "is that so?" we stayed silent for a while when the door suddenly opens and Jungkook appeared.

"Sorry did I disturb anything?" he asked "no actually we're Done talking" Mingyu oppa stands up fixing his shirt

"Good, because we have so much to discuss about the new problem in the south tower. The Golden force is going to have a meeting" he paused

He walks to my direction looking at me "And we have so much to discuss about us Eunsoo" he said

"What do you mean?" I looked at him with eyebrows scrunched

"Have you fitted your wedding dress yet?"

A/n: Hiiiii I'm back! Yes I'm finally back sorry it took awhile I was hit by writers block and school stuff

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A/n: Hiiiii I'm back! Yes I'm finally back sorry it took awhile I was hit by writers block and school stuff. Anyways here it is so please enjoy :)

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