18: the unexpected

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Jungkook's Pov

I've been searching for days but no, not a single trace. I've been waiting for a letter coming from that moron yet he did not even bother.

Mingyu couldn't afford a break himself. he's very worried about Eunsoo. both of us are restless about this.

it's already midnight yet I just came back from searching. I went to the shower to let my head cool off a bit. the moment the cold water hits my skin I feel a rush of mixed emotions.

the feeling of being frustrated and anxious? I punched the wall. why now?

as walk out of my closet, all dressed for bed while holding a hair dryer. I heard a knock coming from my door. I don't know who it could be in such a late hour.

I opened the door just to see my messenger panting. "what's wrong?" I asked him "sorry for the intrusion Master, but I just wanted to give you this as soon as possible. I thought it would be important" he said while handing me a red letter.

the letter had the iron snake seal on it. finally after days of waiting. I nodded to him and walked inside closing the door behind me.

I sat down my table and opened the letter.

to: Jeon Jungkook

Are you tired getting all worried about your precious little lover? Well, I know you're not dumb and you know she's with me. but here's the catch. if you don't come to the place that I will tell you in the future, I might make her mine or worse I would even get rid of her. don't worry I'll send her heart back to you

-iron snake

I crumpled the paper from anger. I left the paper on my desk and went to my bed. he's seriously trying to piss me off, and I got carried away.

I wasn't like this before Eunsoo show came. because of her I feel like I'm about to lose something, that I don't want to lose.

Eunsoo's pov

the cold floor greeted me as I slowly gain consciousness. my eyes were covered by a black fabric that make me see nothing. I tried to sit down but it was too hard.

moments later I heard the some sort of heavy metal door opened. and foot steps coming to my direction.

"you're awake? that's good. now I can actually have my fun" the person said. his voice sounded oddly familiar. but I wonder where I heard it.

"What's your deal with me?" I asked "to be honest it doesn't even concern you. but I'll say it. Jeon Jungkook's lover, I'll make you the key to kill Jungkook" he said

is he mad? he doesn't even know my name "look iron snake or whoever you call yourself. I have some bad news for you. First of all
Jungkook is way too busy to fall for
your crap. and second of all, you abducted me yet you don't know my name? what the hell is that?"

I Sighed and sat down "I don't know your issues with him but he's gonna beat
your ass when he comes here"

"Tsk" He said and Pulled me somewhere else.

"don't you think it's better if you just shut up?" he threw me and took of the blind folds from my eyes "I told you it doesn't concern you but why do you have to be so nosy"

my eyes eyes widens just to see who it was. "WONWOO" I yelled "Fuck, you don't really care about whether you'll break someone's ears or not huh?"

"Yes, I don't really care. Jungkook told me to not give a damn about you" "Tsk" he walks to the door "Just sleep there or something, If Jungkook comes here it ether he save you and beat my ass or I'll kill him and make him you mine"

"You're not my type!" I yelled "Did I say you're my type? heck no. you're just a reward a trophy. don't think Too much of yourself" he said and left

I think the Jeon Family are jerks. I wonder why he wanted to kill Jungkook, or let alone start all of this? I sat down the bed and Think for a while.

a reason, that's all I needed yet I don't know. I can't think of a reason why he would do that. My head hurts just thinking about it.

my door opens. I look up to see a Shadow, but when the person came into the light I was more than surprised.

a gasp left my mouth as he completely entered the room. after closing the door he crossed his arms and Stood there with a unreadable facial expression.

"Kim Taehyung"

"It's nice to see you again, Eunsoo"

"It's nice to see you again, Eunsoo"

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