20: red suit

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Jungkook's pov

When the message arrived, it was clearly stated that I go alone. though I know this is a trap her safety is more important than numbers.

I was on my way to the parking lot when Mingyu stopped me "do you know where she is now?" he ask. I was hesitant to tell him but I nodded and told him the truth

"I'll go with you" he said. "No. it's too dangerous. I know you're worried about Eunsoo but I promise that I'll take her back. just trust me. I won't let anyone die because of me again" I told him

he looked at me still insistent but he Sighed. is he giving up? "Fine, but If something happens to her. I'll kill you. with my Bare Hands" he said

I nodded and went to the parking lot. I was on my way when I realized the path I was heading through. no way.

I Drove faster and reached the expected place in no time. "coincidence? I think not" I stared at the huge old building where we used to work. the place where we grew up being hit by a whip and being stepped on the face.

I entered the building with high guard. and as what I expected, he did prepare his numbers. let's say maybe there are 50- 100 people here.

"Are you the Golden guy?" "Ah yes. I am" I smiled and loaded up my Gun. "it's a pleasure to meet you"

Eunsoo's pov

is it just me or are there many gun shot noises outside. is it Jungkook here already? I stood up and went closer to the door when it opened and hit me, I was pushed back and fell on the floor.

"come with me" Wonwoo said looking all fierce. he took my wrists and handcuffed me. "what are you doing?" I asked he looked at me and and Sighed "you will not get hurt unless you disobey" he said and dragged me out of the room.

he took me to a very spacious Area and tied me to a pole. "Sorry, but you gotta deal with it" he said and left.

I wonder what is happening. my curiosity is eating me alive. I hope they don't kill each other.

Jungkook's pov

all 100 are down. I immediately ran to the next place. I can't remember the directions correctly. it's been years since I came here. I didn't mind the fact that I was basically lost and I kept on running until I saw an open door. when I look inside I saw her tied on the pole. she was looking down.

"Eunsoo!" I yelled "Jungkook?" she looks at me. and suddenly her eyes widens "DON'T MOVE ANY CLOSER" she yelled. but it was too late, as soon as I stepped in Gun shots came showering.

I swiftly avoided them. The shots stopped and silence filled the open space. "Eunsoo" I said as I moved closer to her. I tried to Remove her from being tied to the pole, but she was also handcuffed.

"tsk, this jerk" I said

"Jungkook Look behind you!" Eunsoo yelled. I did and avoided the attack. the guy almost hit me with a bat and he has a mask on, what a coward.

"Aren't you going to show your face? That's quite rude of you" I said and smirked. "Are you seriously playing during this situation Jeon Jungkook?!" Eunsoo yelled at me

I stared at him as he took off his mask. "Jungkook" he glared at me. "Wonwoo? what a surprise" I chuckled "Shut up I'm going to kill you no matter what!" Wonwoo started to Rain bullets on me again. "Why are you doing this?" I asked as I was catching my breath

"I hated you since we were young that's why!" he yelled. what is that his only reason? but he continued "you're always the one who's Appreciated by everyone, You're the strong one, you're the wise one. it's always you! you took mother and father's Attention from me. the only person that actually listen to me is Noona and you let her die. yet you're here living like it doesn't bother you!" he yelled

"I've lost the only person that believes in me. and it's all because of you" he threw his gun away and walked up to me. "I will kill you. with my bare hands"

I threw my gun as well and rolled up my sleeves. "You really didn't grow up. you're still that one kid that can't comprehend things. Do you think I wanted her to die?!"

Eunsoo's pov

the two of guys are killing each other in front of me without even using any weapon. I don't know why it hurts me. seeing them fight likes this.

tears started to fall from my eyes as I see them bruise each other. blood was Falling out of their browbone and their nose. "Guys quit it already!" I yelled but they kept on fighting.

if this keeps up then they'll end up killing each other. and I've seen enough deaths already.

I was there on my knees while I'm tied on a pole crying. when suddenly The clicking of metal was heard. and someone started to clap.

that person continued to clap until she's out from the shadows. a very beautiful girl with silvery long hair wearing a red Suit entered.

Jungkook and Wonwoo stopped fighting and turn to see the lady.

"What are you looking at? Keep it up, until you kill each other, besides you've prepared for this for a long time right?" she chuckled. her arms were crossed as she stare at them. no, Glare at both of them.

"Noona, you're alive?!"

"Noona, you're alive?!"

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