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"i think that having the two things that make me hate life in the same room aren't good." i whisper to syd as we walk further up the vip queue.

a/n i haven't been to vip before so sorry if this is wrong :) i'm going to do it like they get a group picture with everyone and then they get to go round and get individual pictures with everyone.

she chuckles as we get to the front of the queue and the man askes for our tickets. we show him and he scans us telling us to go into the building where they would give us wrist bands to get in.

once we were inside i noticed there were like two other people so we must have been early. as more and more people start to come in i start to feel ill and syd notices asking if we should just leave. i said no and we then were told to get into a line.

we then heard screams and i felt sick to my stomach as they walked in with smiles on their faces. i also noticed that hollie was a worker to help them. i roll my eyes at the though of that. syd screams with everyone else and i flinch at the noise. she apologised and gave me a hug.

the line moved up and people that had had their pictures took had to stand in the middle. syd then comes closer to me and whispers to me "i know i don't have any idea what you are going through right now but if you need to leave then just tell me and we will."

i nod as we move up the line syd tells me her games plan.
"okay so when it's our turn we hug them all and you pretend like your a big fan and that last year never happened. we will get our photos took and then stand in the middle"

"i don't know if i can do that syd" i say worried.
"nonsense now c'mon only two more girls and then it's us" she squeals.

we go up and and we are so close to them i can actually see them staring at me. i think i'm going to pass out. the girls in front of us go as syd takes my phone and gives it to the hollie.
"that's hollie" i whisper in her ear.

her eyes widen and she stops smiling. i grab her by the arms to make sure she doesn't try to fight the cow and then we get called to go up. 

okay olivia pretend it's one direction. syd goes up first after telling hollie that we were getting our pictures together. i then get nudged by hollie to go and greet the first boy who is staring daggers into my head. shit.

jk keep reading

the first boy was andy and i walked up to him quickly and engulfed him in a hug, taking him and everyone else (apart from the other fans) by surprise.
"oh my god i actually can't believe it" i squeal and head towards the next boy, jack.

"uh hello babe are you alright?" he askes as i hug him tightly. i nod against his chest as i move onto brooklyn and truly try not to shit myself.

"oh my god" i say feeling the tears well behind my eyes. and before you say anything yes they are real and it is because i think i'm going to pass out.

"sorry she's just waited so long to meet you all" i hear syd say after she pulled away from rye.

i actually can't do this. i start to feel dizzy and then i hear hollie say that we need to speed it up so i walk in between brooklyn and sonny. i smile and then feel sonny place his arm around me and place a kiss on my cheek. erm what the actual fuck mate. i then get given a quick hug from rye and then ushered into the middle.

not before i grabbed my phone of her slimy hands.
"did you see that!" syd squeals a bit too loud drawing the attention of nearly everyone in the hall. i glare at her and then we stand in the middle with everyone else.
"why did sonny kiss your cheek?"
"i don't know but i'm freaking the fuck out" i whisper shout at her while waited with everyone else for individual photos.

"alright the boys will make their way round the room and you can go up to them to get a picture" we heard a big scary guy say through a mic.

the boys started to wander rounds, separatting from each other to attend to the girls swarming around them.
"right olive-"
"stop calling me that!"
"sorry. anyway she should just wait until the boys have seen a lot of us then leave go up to them."

"sounds like a plan" i mutter pulling my phone out to take a quick selfie of sydney and i.

"hey girls, would you like a photo or anything signed" rye says as he walks towards us. i remember our plan and ask for a photo.
syd spots brooklyn and heads towards him with a pen and a piece of paper ready to be signed.

rye hugs me as we get someone to take the picture.
before the camera goes off rye mutters quietly in my ear "sonny wants to speak to you after the show. security will come and get you later".


he then kisses my cheek and walks off to some other girls. well he saw right through me.

i see syd wave me over towards brooklyn. this would be awkward if i wasn't playing a roadie.
"oh my god, hi brook! can i get a photo please?" i squeal.

he nods and hands syd the camera and giving me a awkward side hug. i stepped right out of my comfort zone and made him give me one of his famous hugs by turning to face him and pulling him closer to me.

we said our goodbyes and headed over to andy and jack who had just left a group of girls. 

they noticed us coming over and smiled at us.
"hey girls! have you seen the others yet?" jack says as he brings me into a hug.

"yeah i've seen brook and talked to rye, kinda forgot to ask for a photo though" syd laughs as she walks towards andy.

"what your name hun?" he asks her as they hug and jack pulls away and gets his phone to take a photo of us.

i smile as jack pulls me close and then when no one is watching whispers in my ear "missed you". i smile back him and give my phone syd who had just took photos with andy.

jack and i had photos and then i had a couple of photos took with andy.

four down, one to go.
"look if you don't want to go up to him it's okay" syd says as she smiles at me
"no it's okay." i reply as we wait next two girls. syd chats to them and i just stand by her side.

"sonny! can we get photos?!" syd shouts as she sees him move across the room to brook. he looks back and smiles and comes to us.

i take syds photos and she takes mines and sonny whispers into my what rye said and i knew sydney had heard.

roll on the show.

word count: 1268

a/n:hi :) i'm a mess

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